CCleaner's Registry backup !

This has been a problem that started when using CCleaner on Windows 8.
If i Scan For Issues via the tab Registry and i want to make a backup of the Registry items i want to delete, there is no backup.
The only text that the .reg file holds, is 'Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00',
and there's a ton of Registry keys and values in the CCleaner window, but nothing in the Registry backup file ?
I have the same problem on an other Windows 8 PC.
My version of CCleaner is the most up to date version.
I searched numerous times on the internet for this, but didn't find anything at all.
So far, it seems that i'm the only one with this problem.
CCleaner works alright on my XP, Vista and Windows 7 pc's when making a backup for the Registry items i want to delete, but not on the Win 8 ones.
What is the problem with this ?

the .REG file is the backup.

it holds the registry items that CC cleans as a 'before shot' so if things go pear-shaped, simply doubling clicking that .REG file will merge those keys back in.

@mta: right, but the problem is that besides that text, there's no other content. And that could be a bug in CC.

Okay, loading up the Registry file made by CCleaner after backup of the items found by CC's Registry Cleaner.
Maybe someone can see the text (Registry values) that I can't see !
I've added a screenshot of the Registry values found by CCleaner,
and as you can see, there's a lot of Registry values found.


@mta: right, but the problem is that besides that text, there's no other content. And that could be a bug in CC.

Huh?, what other content? you are right - there isn't any? or am I missing something here???

You run the Registry scan, click on Fix Selected Issues, at the next prompt if you hit Yes it makes that .REG backup of the registry values about to be cleaned.

If you hit No it won't backup but still clean.

That's it.

What's the problem with that process that I'm not seeing? :blink:

@sweat-cleaner, sorry but I don't get what your problem is.

Or to spin it another way, clean the registry, take the offered backup, close CC, double click the .REG file and it'll be as if CC was never run in the first place.

@mta: When CC exports those obsolete registry entries then there Always should be the text "Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00" on the first line in the *.reg file. I ran CC's registry cleaner on my Win 7 system. The first few lines in the backup *.reg file were (in italics):

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00





It seems that on a Win 8 system CC only exports the first line and nothing else. Yes, this could be a SERIOUS bug in CC. Thumbs up for Sweat-Cleaner.

The developers read all threads (especially bug reports). They may not comment unless they need more information or cannot recreate the issue. I'm certain that they will QUICKLY look it this as it seems to be a very crucial fix.

Just to be sure are you running windows 8.1

OK, got it.

and confirmed on my PC too, running Win8.1u1.

take the offered backup option and CC will create the .REG file but it ONLY contains Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 and nothing else.

Ooops, another pretty serious bugs slips through testing.

My advice until the bug is fixed:

Stop using the registry cleaner.


Make a System Restore Point before using the registry cleaner.

Hi all, CCleaner only writes the entries into the backup file before it actually removes them. The .reg file is created as a place holder with the line Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00, as CCleaner goes through each entry it will write append the file with each registry entry that has been fixed.

If you choose to individually "Fix Issue" rather than "Fix All Selected Issues" it will only write the ones you fix into the backup .reg file.

Hope this helps. :)

@MrV: I do highly doubt it whether that's the case. Because when one has a ton of registry entries to be removed then why select each entry individually ? I personally never choose the "fix Issue" option and Always choose the "Fix all selected Issues" option.

I could imagine that on a Win 8 system CC first removes the registry entry BEFORE writing that (non existing) info to disk. Yes, in that case the backup file remains (almost) empty.

Thanks for the response @MrV

I did as you suggested, took the offered backup option, told it to fix all selected entries.

opened the .REG file and there they all are.

I'm fairly certain (as I can be) that is what I did earlier - but it can't have been, so there you go. :rolleyes:

- Why limit the backing up of registry keys to the "Fix all issues" option ? I think it should be extended to cover both options.