I think this product sucks , I use it and it does nothing to
clean up my computer , I end up going to run ..There I place
"prefetch" in there and "%temp%", And it proves that
CCleaner does not work
I think this product sucks , I use it and it does nothing to
clean up my computer , I end up going to run ..There I place
"prefetch" in there and "%temp%", And it proves that
CCleaner does not work
No need for you to hang around then.
I think this product sucks , I use it and it does nothing toclean up my computer , I end up going to run ..There I place
"prefetch" in there and "%temp%", And it proves that
CCleaner does not work
- CCleaner only removes old prefetch entries. Not empty the folder.
- CCleaner must have the option unticked under advanced settings to clear all temp files, otherwise, files in there for the last 24 to 48 hours will remain. Usually a small amount, left there on purpose for a good reason.
Installers such as system patchers, etc, use the %temp% folder to store files to patch system areas on boot. If CCleaner totally eradicated all entries, it would erase even these files, & cause a botched patch process, or even an unstable/unusable windows system as a result!
*CCleaner must be run under each user account, as CCleaner does not support checking other user accounts for temp files (dangerous to scan for file types, because TMP might be a temp file, or a calendar template & ruin certain programs from running) for 2 reasons. It is dangerous, & many users encrypt their accounts with a password.
CCleaner is one of the safest, easiest to use cleaners around due to it checking only the folders it needs to clean, instead of scanning for file content types. This requires more work to update, but is well worth the effort/speed/safety it brings!
I think this product sucks , I use it and it does nothing toclean up my computer , I end up going to run ..There I place
"prefetch" in there and "%temp%", And it proves that
CCleaner does not work
Just for future reference - when trying new software I suggest you read how to use it before looking silly with a post like that
Unless of course you're just trolling, in which case put some effort into it
How can it be a rip-off when it's free?
I think this product sucks , I use it and it does nothing toclean up my computer , I end up going to run ..There I place
"prefetch" in there and "%temp%", And it proves that
CCleaner does not work
Post edited to reduce sarcasm.
CCleaner developers apparently prefer a conservative approach, being careful to not tinker with important files and folders which might crash your system. Being a not-too-tekkie type, I am glad of that. Still there are users who believe that they have crashed their system using it. I have not been able to duplicate the string of operations they say did the crashing, but still they believe it. So there ya go, some say too aggressive, some say not aggressive enough.
To be sure, there are more agressive cleanup or optimizer applications available, some free, but you really need to know what you are doing if you use one of them.
I think he didn't deselect the 24 hour fail-safe in the options for %temp% (in CCleaner)