Hello CCleaner-devs.
I wanted to suggest something, i noticed for a long time i had this weird sudden terminal or small window pop up for a split second (it's so fast its barely noticable), and at first i couldn't see where it was coming from because it dissapeared so fast, i was a bit worried that it was a virus or something malicious. after a long search i discovered its the ccleanercrashreporting task, as soon as you run it, that terminal pops up again for a split second. each time i start ccleaner, that task is automatically coming back.
I would strongly suggest to remove that window popup somehow, because it can also cause it to lose focus in games and other applications running in Windows.
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It's been doing that for a while and the devs don't seem interested in doing anything about it, but you can stop it yourself.
If you change the schedule in Task Scheduler so that it runs at startup rather than at a particular time each day then you'll never see it flash open the terminal window again.
You could remove it altogether but if you do that then it will just come back with the next CCleaner update, (and then flash open everyday at the time that you did that update), so setting it to run at startup is the better way.
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Ahh ok, i understand. I already unchecked the "Enabled" box at the bottom of the "Edit Trigger" screen. Hopefully that helps also.
It's not a big issue by any means, but if every app did that, we would have terminal or window popups left and right<span> <span class="ipsEmoji">?</span> so i hope in the future that the Devs might change their mind on this particular issue.</span>
Thanks for your reply.
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To me it just shouldn't happen, or at least not so quickly, it always takes a while to find what is flashing open-closed like that and you always suspect the worst until you do track it down.
It's a programming limitation that needs a terminal window to open/close, and I do know a couple of other apps that do it, but usually when launching their UI and not just out of the blue.
AdwCleaner adware remover from Malwarebytes does it on launch just before the UI opens, but that one is timed to stay on screen for a second so that you can see just what it is that has opened a terminal window.
41 minutes ago, nukecad said:
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It's a programming limitation
There's no limitation, it's because of the way that binary is built. I mentioned why that happens in some other thread at some point, it's linked targeting the console subsystem instead of the graphical one, hence the host window appearing. When I looked into it I thought it might have been an oversight, in the build environment they use it's just a matter of changing the /SUBSYSTEM flag for the linker, but they were using a function to deliberately hide that window after it appears, so who knows what that's about.
I agree it shouldn't happen, especially on something that executes on a timer, but it's no limitation, it's the way they are doing things.
If it's a one time thing or when the UI opens, its different. and yes i remember AdwCleaners terminal. but if its a daily schedule like ccleaner does, i think users should be informed about it the first time using ccleaner, or maybe at the installer process. so users know where its coming from at least.
Most software has options or settings where users can opt-in or out for things like sending crash and bug reports etc.
This happens to me every day at 9.23pm on the dot - annoying.
Thanks - It was throwing me out of a MOBA at same time every day. Took a while to track down - lol