Friend of mine was having problems with his computer after accidentally leaving it on-line all night. Got up in the am monitor was showing "No Signal." Couldn't turn computer off. After pulling plug and plugging back in, couldn't turn it on. Spent most of a day trouble shooting. After forcing it to reconfigure by installing and uninstalling a different video card, got it to start long enough to run CCleaner with the registry option. I assume it was a corrupt registry. Been fine ever since.
Thank-you very much CCleaner.
I made sure to tell him to show his appreciation as well since even a $20 donation is much cheaper than what he thought he was going to be paying. Nor did I accept anything even though he tried hard to get me to. I gave all the credit to CCleaner.
Doubt it was CCleaner, sounds more like a hardware problem.
Well its been a month and a half. I am going to have to go with my original statement as no new issues have arose and that is a lot of time for a hardware problem to get worse.
Well its been a month and a half. I am going to have to go with my original statement as no new issues have arose and that is a lot of time for a hardware problem to get worse.
Not really actually, although it could have been something registry related - who knows for sure it is after all Windows so a myriad of crap can go wrong all on its own.
About hardware slowly dying well my graphics card was for what I assume dying for a full two year period before it finally went kaput.