Hi Warlock.
Here's something for you to file away in the old braincells. There isn't such a thing as a stupid question, or stupidity as you put it. Lack of knowledge on any subject is just that, and we're all in that position until we ask the question, whatever it is.
Now stupid answers are something else, and you might find one or two of them flying around the web.
Your queries.
To run Firefox in Safe Mode (not to be confused with windows Safe Mode), go to "Start\All Programs\Mozilla Firefox\Mozilla Firefox (Safe Mode)".
That will launch Firefox with Extensions and Themes disabled. You will get a popup then to ask if you want to make the changes permanent. Don't check any of the boxes, just click "Continue In Safe Mode".
Then once launched, in the Firefox Menu Bar, go to "Tools\Add Ons\Plugins". If you left click each plugin entry, you will highlight a "disable" button. Highlight and disable them one by one.
There may be a plugin called "Windows Presentation Foundation", and I can't remember if it's possible to disable that one as I binned it a while ago. I would suggest you do the same.
Some instructions here ...
... and I'll guide you through it if you need me to. If it's not there, then no worries.
Then do whatever it is you do, and if the problem has gone, then it's something added to Firefox causing the issue.
Either a theme, a plugin, or an extension. If the problem still occurs, then at least you've eliminated quite a few things.
Once you've done that, you can simply "enable" the plugins again, and the extensions and themes (if you have them) will be back next time you launch Firefox normally.
Of course, you don't need to do any of this if you don't want, or do them whenever you feel up to it. They're just suggestions, and it's just a computer after all. Although I wouldn't put it in the road just yet. ![:lol:]()
More important is that you take care of yourself, and we'll see you next time you get on here.