

CCleaner web site it states that CCleaner is "Free". On the CNET web site it states it is "Free" Everyone one says that CCleaner is free.

CCleaner web site even mentions that people can donate $$$ using Pay Pal.

However, I down loaded CCleaner and installed it this date. I did a scan and then I got a message that something to the effect that in order for CCleaner to correct the supposedly numerous errors on my computer the software had to be registered. I filled in all required info and what should pop up but a window demanding $29.95 for this Free software.

No doubt that the software is worth $29.95 but think thier sales tactics is terrible. Most software vendors are up front in that they give their customers a choice of a free trial period or to buy it and state the price. One doesn't even get a trial period with thier software.

If CCleaner is such great software, they shouldn't have to use trickery to sell it.

It is free. Where did you download it from? I use to download it.

So, what part of earthquake ravaged China did you download that obviously hacked version of CCleaner from?

Do yourself a big favor and download your essentials from FileHippo. Paul McCartney - "He's a clean man."

I've heard of people getting scammed into paying for the free Firefox browser. You gotta wonder how on earth they found such bogus ads. Where could ads like that exist without being seriously questioned after 24 hours?

Here's a hint...Stop surfing pr0n!

Please don't take any of this as an insult. My head just wants to a-splode when I hear of scams like this. :angry:


By the way, there are legitimate adware cleaners out there that do the exact same thing that you claim CCleaner is asking for. Beware, when something says "Free download" that's exactly what it is and that's exactly what is free...the download...not the programs' service.

Thanks for the reply David.

My apologies to CCleaner software vendors.

I had googled CCleaner Download and used the first item on the page named "CCleaner Free Download"

I got a web page as per the attached. As you can see it doesn't refer to any software name so I assumed it was CCleaner

I clicked on down load I down loaded a file named RegCureSetup_501_RW and installed it.

I guess I'm getting old and stupid



Hi Ern, not old and stupid mate, older and wiser I would say.

You're not the first, and sadly you won't be the last, to be fooled by legitimate looking ads. At least you took the trouble to check it out.

Welcome to the forum by the way.

Oh, RegCure. That's one of the ones out there that offers "free download", among dozens of others.

So this is what used carsalesmen do after they get fired. They sell adware scams.

So this is what used carsalesmen do after they get fired.
I thought they went into politics?
I thought they went into politics?