when I run the CCleaner, fine, but when I try to view the web after I run it it will not let me, I had to do a system restore to get it back any help would be appricaited.
Perhaps you could give some info as to which operating system you use.
Which version of CCleaner you have.
What did you have ticked to clean (if any) in advanced.
Also did you do an issues (registry ) clean.
If so did you make a backup.
Perhaps you could give some info as to which operating system you use.
Which version of CCleaner you have.
What did you have ticked to clean (if any) in advanced.
Also did you do an issues (registry ) clean.
If so did you make a backup.
ok it is v2.02.527
yes but dont remember what they were
yes I restored reg but still could not veiw web
Vista or xp?
Have a read of this
Do not have any ticks in advanced when you use CCleaner until you know a bit more about what they clean.
Glad to read you made a backup when doing the reg clean...good practice.
Not knowing what you had ticked means it's a bit difficult to know what you did.
Welcome to the forum by the way
windows xp professional service pack 3
It says I have 414 in registry I tried it again and again could not veiw web pages. oh well guess I am just stupid, Not sure what should be fixed and what allows me to see web pages
Hi JoJo, you're no more stupid than any of us are until someone shows us how to do something.
Computers and the Internet are such complex temperamental animals, it just sometimes takes a bit of time to pin down what can be causing a problem.
I'm wondering if this problem started since you installed SP3?
What exactly do you mean by you can't view the web? Can you not get online, or are you not able to load pages, or are you only partly loading pages, maybe images not loading properly.
It might take a little while, but the more info we can get, the more chance of solving it.
As Hazel was asking, did you check any extra items in CCleaner, or did you just run it as it came out the box, so to speak?
I'm using XP Professional without problems.windows xp professional service pack 3
Go to start then Run... then enter cmd to get a DOS window then enter ping www.google.com and a screen should appear like
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]© Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.C:\Documents and Settings\{username}>ping www.google.comPinging www.l.google.com [] with 32 bytes of data:Reply from bytes=32 time=44ms TTL=246Reply from bytes=32 time=43ms TTL=246Reply from bytes=32 time=43ms TTL=246Reply from bytes=32 time=43ms TTL=246Ping statistics for Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:Minimum = 43ms, Maximum = 44ms, Average = 43msC:\Documents and Settings\{username}>
This will help determine if the problem is with your Internet connection.
Get WinsockxpFix.exe
Run it to see if it fixes the connection.
ok it is v2.02.527yes but dont remember what they were
yes I restored reg but still could not veiw web
Hi JoJo,
The version you are using is a very early version after CCleaner was converted to C++.
It was the first version that I used.It did have many "bugs" in it.
Try using the latest version 2.07.
I use Win XP Pro SP3 also and I have not encountered any problems at all.
Thank you for bringing up a very important subject for most "new users" .
P.S. New Users Advice
I must say that it does help to keep your Internet index.dat file for awhile until you decide which "Cookies to keep" in CCleaner.It is not a CCleaner problem as much as it is a learning process when a user starts to do regular cleaning of the Temporary Internet Files etc..
Turn off the option to clean the index.dat file under Internet Explorer on the Windows tab in the Cleaner function.
Turn off the option to delete "cookies" also.I think this will help you until you learn which "cookies to keep".
However, you do want to clean the index.dat file and "cookies" file on a regular basis once you have decided which "cookies to keep".If these files gets too big,it will slow down your browsing.
Refer to the CCleaner Guide to get more information about "cookies".
http://www.ccleanerbeginnersguide.com/ CCleaner Beginners Guide
In your particular situation I would recommend the "Cleaner Information" and "Options" topics.
To start I would "keep" the cookies to my favorite and most used websites.
My "cookies to keep" list is less than 1 window long.I find that sufficient.
You may also find that some sites save information in the Adobe Flash files.Places like Yahoo do this.
If that is your case, then uncheck Adobe Flash Player in the list under Multimedia on the Applications tab.