CCleaner / World Clock ( problem

I have World Clock [], after down loading/installing CCleaner World Clock is deactivated and/or registration files are deleted. I contacted the company and they recommended uninstalling CCleaner and entering my reg. number again, of course World Clock now works but I would like to have & use CCleaner too. I'm slightly confused as what I should do to configure CCleaner so it will not bother W. Clock. Any ideas or suggestions?

Just out of curiosity I had a look at this world clock. A handy thing when you have people from all over the globe on here.

Anyways, it not a keeper for me being commercial, but while it was installed I had a look for the reg details, and the only thing I could find was one cookie from Kybtec.

This could possibly contain your details, so access the site, come back to CCleaner, go to Options > Cookies, and look for the cookie from Kybtec in the "Cookies to Delete" window, and move it across to the right window "Cookies to Keep".

If that doesn't do the trick, you will have to find out where your registration details are kept, and come back to this thread. Most locations containing these types of details can be excluded from CCleaner, the trick is knowing where they are.

Hope this helps.

Just out of curiosity I had a look at this world clock. A handy thing when you have people from all over the globe on here.

Anyways, it not a keeper for me being commercial, but while it was installed I had a look for the reg details, and the only thing I could find was one cookie from Kybtec.

This could possibly contain your details, so access the site, come back to CCleaner, go to Options > Cookies, and look for the cookie from Kybtec in the "Cookies to Delete" window, and move it across to the right window "Cookies to Keep".

If that doesn't do the trick, you will have to find out where your registration details are kept, and come back to this thread. Most locations containing these types of details can be excluded from CCleaner, the trick is knowing where they are.

Hope this helps.

Thank you for the note and info. I will give it a try tomorrow. Your right about the clock...I have a brother and cousin both in Marines stationed in Iraq.

I have World Clock [], after down loading/installing CCleaner World Clock is deactivated and/or registration files are deleted. I contacted the company and they recommended uninstalling CCleaner and entering my reg. number again

1) I have difficulty believing your problem as stated.

YES, if you RAN CCleaner to clean "unwanted" files, AND if your checked boxes include wherever kybtec buried their registration details, THEN their details will go;

YES, if you RAN CCleaner to inspect the Registry Integrity and you chose to fix issues, if you decide to fix their registration in the registry it will go - but it should come back immediately upon request if you allowed the default action of creating a registry file for the purpose of undoing what should not be done !!!

NO, simply downloading "ccsetup206.exe" CAN ONLY deactivate if they were stupid enough to store their details in a file with the same name, and place it in a folder where downloaded files are received, e.g.

C:\Documents and Settings\Dad\My Documents\My Received Files\

When you INSTALL software, depending upon what is installed, you might get thousands of Registry entries added or possibly altered or even replaced so theoretically it is possible that might replace a key

I do not believe CCleaner makes much use of the registry, so INSTALLATION of CCleaner is unlikely to damage registration.

I do NOT believe the problem was due to CCleaner installation - but you could try the PORTABLE option in the middle of

Personally I would prefer to believe it was nothing to do with CCleaner, but that at this particular time there was another notorious stealth mode Windows Update - they did it last year so I guess one is overdue !!!

2) The advice is SO HORRIBLY WRONG - worthy of a girl who belongs on a switchboard !!!

The second stage advice is obviously correct - simply enter the reg. number - it obviously worked for you.

But the first stage is total rubbish - it is so unnecessary to un-install CCleaner.

It is HIGHLY PROBABLE that entering their reg. number would recreate the file or registry key that they needed, undoing the damage that was done, regardless of whether the damage was done by

1) You running CCleaner and performing cleaning / fixing operations or;

2) the results of merely downloading and installing CCleaner.

The ONLY time when it might be appropriate for to require un-installation of some-one else's product is if that product is an aggressive security product (real-time anti-virus / firewall / etc.) which intercepts any attempt to install any sort of malware - perhaps if World Clock phones home they may often have to advice their customers to dis-able any anti-virus whilst installing.

Perhaps I am being over-critical. Is it possible that what you heard as "un-install" commenced, in her mind and her language, as disable. If she thought CCleaner was anti-virus then a brief disablement might be appropriate (after disconnecting from the internet etc., but not to un-install).


1) I have difficulty believing your problem as stated.

YES, if you RAN CCleaner to clean "unwanted" files, AND if your checked boxes include wherever kybtec buried their registration details, THEN their details will go;

YES, if you RAN CCleaner to inspect the Registry Integrity and you chose to fix issues, if you decide to fix their registration in the registry it will go - but it should come back immediately upon request if you allowed the default action of creating a registry file for the purpose of undoing what should not be done !!!

NO, simply downloading "ccsetup206.exe" CAN ONLY deactivate if they were stupid enough to store their details in a file with the same name, and place it in a folder where downloaded files are received, e.g.

C:\Documents and Settings\Dad\My Documents\My Received Files\

When you INSTALL software, depending upon what is installed, you might get thousands of Registry entries added or possibly altered or even replaced so theoretically it is possible that might replace a key

I do not believe CCleaner makes much use of the registry, so INSTALLATION of CCleaner is unlikely to damage registration.

I do NOT believe the problem was due to CCleaner installation - but you could try the PORTABLE option in the middle of

Personally I would prefer to believe it was nothing to do with CCleaner, but that at this particular time there was another notorious stealth mode Windows Update - they did it last year so I guess one is overdue !!!

2) The advice is SO HORRIBLY WRONG - worthy of a girl who belongs on a switchboard !!!

The second stage advice is obviously correct - simply enter the reg. number - it obviously worked for you.

But the first stage is total rubbish - it is so unnecessary to un-install CCleaner.

It is HIGHLY PROBABLE that entering their reg. number would recreate the file or registry key that they needed, undoing the damage that was done, regardless of whether the damage was done by

1) You running CCleaner and performing cleaning / fixing operations or;

2) the results of merely downloading and installing CCleaner.

The ONLY time when it might be appropriate for to require un-installation of some-one else's product is if that product is an aggressive security product (real-time anti-virus / firewall / etc.) which intercepts any attempt to install any sort of malware - perhaps if World Clock phones home they may often have to advice their customers to dis-able any anti-virus whilst installing.

Perhaps I am being over-critical. Is it possible that what you heard as "un-install" commenced, in her mind and her language, as disable. If she thought CCleaner was anti-virus then a brief disablement might be appropriate (after disconnecting from the internet etc., but not to un-install).


Thanks Alan, I appreciate the info.



I see that this is quite and old message thread HOWEVER I purchased Kybtec's World Clock JUST YESTERDAY and encountered exactly the same problem as described by the thread starter so this is obviously still and issue.

The 'fix' that I 'devised' after much experimentation is this:

DISABLE (in CCleaner) the option 'Run CCleaner when the computer starts'.

Reboot the PC.

Install Kybtec's World Clock.

Register Kybtec's World Clock by entering your registration information.

Reboot the PC and ensure that Kybtec's World Clock has retained your registration information.

You may then again ENABLE (in CCleaner) the option 'Run CCleaner when the computer starts'.

Reboot the PC again and everything should be working correctly.

Now I KNOW that the above 'fix' makes ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE AT ALL!!! LOL!!! It does, however, solve the problem.

The very odd thing is this: this problem only occurs if the option (in CCleaner) 'Run CCleaner when the computer starts' is enabled. In other words: if you have registered Kybtec's Wold Clock and run CCleaner manually immediately thereafter i.e. WITHOUT rebooting the PC then the Kybtec World Clock's registration information is retained and there is no problem at all.

I hope this helps someone in the future.



Now I KNOW that the above 'fix' makes ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE AT ALL!!! LOL!!! It does, however, solve the problem.

You are wrong - it does make sense.


Sometimes software installs cleanly at first attempt.

Firefox updates are almost clean, they only take effect after restarting the browser, but the computer does not need to reboot.

Other software, such as M.S. O.S. security updates, require the P.C. to be restarted.

Some such software plants deposits vital information for use after the restart so it can finally complete.

Sometimes because the information is only needed for the next restart,

the idiots decide the data is temporary and can be placed in a temporary folder.

If temporary files are cleansed after the download/installation and before the restart/completion,

then restart/completion will not get the data it needs, and it fails.

If CCleaner auto-runs upon shutdown, the data is lost before it can be used.

If CCleaner auto-runs upon start-up it could be a race to determines if the data is destroyed before use.

It seems that World Clock has the same stupid practice of dumping the registration details in a temporary place,

and expecting them to still be there after a restart.



Thanks Dale - I will give this a shot.
