CCleaner won't start anymore

Have been using CCleaner for several months on a couple of computers. Absolutely love it!

For some strange reason, all of a sudden it will not start on my favorite computer. I've gone back and "merged" registery backups, but to no avail. System otherwise seems to be working just fine. Any clues, anybody, about what I may have screwed up?



Have you tried an uninstall and reinstall of CCleaner WhizCat?

Has the new version ever worked on your system?

Are all your virus/spyware scans coming up clean?

Have you tried an uninstall and reinstall of CCleaner WhizCat?

Has the new version ever worked on your system?

Are all your virus/spyware scans coming up clean?

Yes. Have uninstalled and reinstalled both old and new versions.

No, new version has not yet worked. Gave same error message.

Yes, my system is lean, clean and mean, AFIK.

Yes. Have uninstalled and reinstalled both old and new versions.

No, new version has not yet worked. Gave same error message.

Yes, my system is lean, clean and mean, AFIK.

Hey Whiz,

What happens if you try running from C:\Program Files\CCleaner\CCleaner.exe .

Are your programs being installed there?

Uh! Oh! Just realized Win98SE

Try this first.

Then Reboot.Then try CCleaner.Then try re-install if necessary.

:) davey

Uh! Oh! Just realized Win98SE

Try this first.

Then Reboot.Then try CCleaner.Then try re-install if necessary.

:) davey

Its a wonder anything modern works on a 10 year old operating system.
Uh! Oh! Just realized Win98SE

Try this first.

Then Reboot.Then try CCleaner.Then try re-install if necessary.

I don't see where he says its Win98SE Davey. That link is for the older versions of CCleaner before v2.0 which was made with Visual Basic.

Its a wonder anything modern works on a 10 year old operating system.

I've been using CCleaner for 2 years on Win98SE and its always worked perfectly each time. The newer versions are installed on top of the old ones.

Everything worth using works on Win98SE Kenny. ;)

I don't see where he says its Win98SE

I think it may have been shown in his screenshot Keith.

Thanks guys. Yes, I'm running Win98SE, as shown on the image of the error screen I attached to my original post. Problem solved. My copy of MSIMG32.DLL was corrupt. Not the first time I've banged my skull on that one, PS.

Me too, I run only Win98SE on my machines. Save for the ones running DOS, of course.

I'm old and retired. Started programming computers in 1962. For the last few years I refurbish used computers that I buy at yard sales, flea markets, whatever. We sell these gems at my wife's thrift store, usually for about $100 USD. I average rebuilding about 100 machines a year.

Although I have hands-on time on ME, 2K, XP, etc. I do not use any of them, nor will I sell a system with any such O/S. They all have bugs. I know where most of them are in 98SE, at least, and how to work around them.

Someone said they were surprised a 10-15 year old O/S is still useful. Or something like that. The DOS machines we use at our store are nearly 25 years old and still running beautifully. More amazing to me, many programs that I wrote 30 years ago in GW-BASIC will run on 9x, XP, et al. Several years ago I made freeware out of many of them. Copies can be had from my web site:

Like I said before, I love CCleaner. Use it after every internet session. Just found this forum yesterday. Will likely be back now and then. Seems like a pretty good crowd hereabouts. :P

I'm old and retired. Started programming computers in 1962. For the last few years I refurbish used computers that I buy at yard sales, flea markets, whatever. We sell these gems at my wife's thrift store, usually for about $100 USD. I average rebuilding about 100 machines a year.
I'm retired and only started to work on PCs when IBM released its PC back in '82 I believe. I was in hardware support and we got the first training and systems to support customers that purchased them but they were expensive at about $5000.00 for a system with an 8088 4MHZ processor and 16MB RAM and one 5 1/4 floppy drive with DOS 1.0. Thank goodness for Moore and his Law.

I recently salvaged a PC that was about to go in the garbage so I took it apart and cleaned out all the dust bunnies and fired it up and it worked but it only had 32MB RAM and a 1.5GB hard drive so I installed a spare 2.0GB hard drive as master and the other as slave and I installed Win98SE on it and an Ethernet adapter card so that it could connect to my router. I installed all the available Windows Updates for it and it worked fine. I even figured out how to get the audio card running so that it could play music.

I sold it at a bazaar about two months ago to a lady who had never had a PC before for $50.00 including an old monitor I had and gave her about an hour lesson on how to use it and she is happy with it. She did not have Internet access so when she wanted that she contacted Sympatico and installed the lowest speed DSL available and she is now using Hotmail to talk to her grandkids.

Someone said they were surprised a 10-15 year old O/S is still useful. Or something like that. The DOS machines we use at our store are nearly 25 years old and still running beautifully.

I still use my old Win98 machine from 1998 to backup stuff from my XP machine such as installers, documents, etc. Those old OSes aren't entirely as dead as people would like us all to think, and many still use Win9x (95, 98, 98SE) around the world. It's however so slow that's about all I can put up with it doing anymore as I've been thoroughly spoiled by XP and a much faster processor, however like you I know first hand how to weed out/tweak out some existing bugs to make it more livable and stable.

I do however really miss DOS as a pure utility which enabled the ability to completely get rid of some stuff in DOS mode that XP just doesn't allow for.

I think it may have been shown in his screenshot Keith.

Sorry Hazel I didn't expand the screenshot. ;)

Andavari and I have a different perspective about speed.

It's however so slow that's about all I can put up with it doing anymore as I've been thoroughly spoiled by XP and a much faster processor, however like you I know first hand...

My son runs XP Pro. I run 98SE. We are both running on nearly identical machines, i.e., 2.7 GHz CPU's with 512 MB memories. Not long ago we did several bench mark-type exercises of our own concocting. My machine ran much faster than his. NO big surprise to me. XP does a lot of fooling around in the background. 98SE only does what I tell it to, when I tell it to. Granted, I don't have any experience with dual processor machines. Maybe such would make me change my bias. But I doubt it.

Like the man said, speed is relative. Each successive version of a MS O/S is bound to be slower than its predecessor. They get away with it because of the tremendous increases in CPU performance every couple of years. Dontcha just love it?

We are both running on nearly identical machines, i.e., 2.7 GHz CPU's with 512 MB memories.

Those specs you list are so much more powerful than my old system it's screaming "upgrade me please" from the closet. :lol: If my 98 system had that much power I would've probably never been using XP because there really would've been no inclination for me to buy a new PC since most of the software I use is old or CLI-based.

Andavari and I have a different perspective about speed.

Like the man said, speed is relative. Each successive version of a MS O/S is bound to be slower than its predecessor. They get away with it because of the tremendous increases in CPU performance every couple of years. Dontcha just love it?

I am from the same stable, WhizCat.Bet you had a few wires and boards in your hands also.

This is a great forum to be around.Your wisdom and experience will be thoroughly appreciated.

:) davey

P.S. As you probably already know,older versions of CCleaner will run just fine on Win95.You can get them from .