CCleaner Won't Run on Startup

Starting with at least the last two updates, my CCleaner doesn't run on startup even though I have checked the box to do so. It also won't run on a schedule. I get the error,

You have selected an invalid combination of days and months, please insure that all selected days exist for at least one of the selected months.

v5.04.5151 (64-bit) Windows 7

I attached a screen shot.

Thanks for any help. I love the product otherwise.


Change daily to on login. Be sure skipuac is checked in advanced.

Also, because you run professional version you can contact the developers directly and receive the priority support that you paid for :)

Computer wouldn't let me change to On Login. CCleaner wouldn't let me check skipuac.

I have contacted support just now.

To day starting CCleaner I have the message "CCleaner needs Windows XP or later" !

But I am under Windows XP !!!! And for several years without problem

Idem with version 2014, but re-installing version 2010 it's good....

What I do please ?

ARCHAMBAULT are you using sp2 on XP?

If yes, see here

All releases of XP pro have been installed since 2002, to the last in 2014.

Two months ago CCleaner 5.04 went very well !

What new this month ?

- I use "Advance SystemCare" 8 just to clean registry ;

- I use "MalwareByte" against viruses ;

- I have replaced my screen et my graphic card.

(Sorry for my english, I'm a frenchie frog...)