CCleaner won't empty recycle bin with 98lite

I receive the following message when I run CCleaner:

Error emptying recycle bin.

453: Can't find DLL entry point SHQueryRecycleBinA in shell32.dll.

I am running 98lite micro with the W95 shell32.dll. 98lite keeps the W98 shell32.dll, renamed shell32.W98, and uses it for some purposes. Does CCleaner not run with W95? Is there a way I can tell it to use the W98 version saved as shell32.W98? Or am I making an incorrect assumtion about the nature of the problem?


1) I dare say this is no comfort especially after this length of time but I can confirm your problem is replicated on my Win 98SE machine with Lite. More specifically, CCleaner did run after displaying the message; however, starting with v2.00.500 (the first 2* I have installed) CCleaner no longer runs on this machine at all, returning instead these error messages:

"The CCleaner.EXE file is linked to missing export SHELL32.DLL:SHQeryRecycleBinA

A device attached to the system is not functioning."

The program will not run after displaying these messages unlike before.

2) more generally, is CCleaner (in general) designed to be compatible with all post Win 3.1 Windows versions? It may be staring me in the eye but I can't for the life of me find a mention of the intended compatible sw platform anywhere.

The list of compatible Windows operating systems is listed here.