I've come across this problem several times and it's keeping my computer slow. This virus came up a while ago and it won't go away. I analyze for cookies and bugs and a system32 virus comes up. It is 5.00 MB. After that I go to clean the viruses and it seems like it goes away but I go to analyze the PC again and the system32 virus comes up again. I did this several times and it won't go away.
By The Way if you could do this, could you upgrade the CCleaner to delete System32 viruses?
CC isn't a virus detector or cleaner, otherwise it would be 50 mb and called AVG. I would get advice on cleaning this or any virus from your a/v software vendors or from Google, and then put it in effect. It appears that your virus is self-installing, you need to find the source and zap it.
CC isn't a virus detector or cleaner, otherwise it would be 50 mb and called AVG. I would get advice on cleaning this or any virus from your a/v software vendors or from Google, and then put it in effect. It appears that your virus is self-installing, you need to find the source and zap it.
Yes I see your point but it is a spyware and cookie eraser and system32 virus is a spyware and besides I found out how to delete it but it comes right back.
Well, I disagree but I don't want to labour the point, it's more important to get the virus removed. What is the name of the infected file? Is this in the startup process (have a look with CC). Search your pc for any examples of the file name and isolate them. Look for it in the registry. Google the virus name, there's bound to be lots of advice about disabling it (actually, do this first).
Yes I see your point but it is a spyware and cookie eraser and system32 virus is a spyware and besides I found out how to delete it but it comes right back.
It's better to encourage the poster to get qualified help on the spyware hell part of our forum.
Is anyone listening to the moderators? OP, Please post in the "Spyware Hell" section of the forums for expert help. It's not enough sometimes to just run a scanner and let it remove things automatically. There can be residuals left behind that can still cause problems. Head over there for expert help.