CCleaner & Windows Live Messenger

Hey !

I'm using the latest CCleaner version, v1.32.345 , and I got installed also the latest Windows Live Messenger 8 v8.0.0812.00.

When I run CCleaner I got 7 results in the registry cleaner as you can see in the picture.

The first 3 results on the first run, and the second 4 results in a second run.

After deleting those issues allways I start WLM and after opening itself it opens the installation window, and configures WLM again and exists ( I assume, it creates those registry entries again).

When I open again WLM it opens without any problem and doesn't exit.

I guess there are some issues with those 6 registry entries that the program deletes.

And another thing.. is... why does the program detect the first 3 entries and after deleting them and running again detects the other 4.

Picture : (first 3 errors and then the second run 4 errors).


Thanks :)


Just noticed, I posted in the wrong forum, please move the topic.

Thank you again.



why does the program detect the first 3 entries and after deleting them and running again detects the other 4.

some registry keys could be dependent on others so after you delete some, otheres may be considered bad.

im guessing that its not supposed to find these issues but i dont use WLM so ill let others debate that.


I have also this problem about those exact same registry keys. Every time I try to delete them, they come back. So wtf? :P