I run CCleaner (latest 3.x version, portable), click Yes in the UAC dialog, and then I can't simply use the keyboard (press Alt+A for example to Analyze), since the main app window is not the active one! What's the possible reason for this strange behavior? When I run a program, I expect it to be the current active window so that I can start using it immediately, instead of having to Alt+Tab to it or click the main window with the mouse every time.
So what is Active then.
If you do not know I suggest using Alt-Tab and BEFORE you release it will show what WILL become active upon release, and the relevant answer may be the icon to the left of what will become active.
On occasions when CMD.EXE is launched its window will appear,
and my malware protection may remain invisible but retain focus because of some sort of gotcha.
Actually nothing seems to be active? I had only 1 window open and started CCleaner, but once it came up after the UAC dialog, neither it nor the other window was active. In any case, forgetting about other apps, why can't CCleaner ensure that its own main window is activated on startup?
Something seems to be different on your system. I also use Portable CC and have to agree to UAC but after I click yes and CCleaner opens, when I press alt+a it analyzes.