- "Stephen CCleaner" wrote on the "Wilders Security" forum:
"Farewell to Windows XP & Vista ( ; _ ; )
- Version 5.64.7577 is the final planned build for Windows XP and Vista
- This version will only receive critical security updates
- Read our help article for further information and assistance"
- Does this mean that future CCleaner versions will see:
1) the support for Windows XP & Vista removed ?
2) or that future versions don't get any updates for XP & Vista anymore and that the user has to make do with the existing Win XP & Vista support in CCleaner ?
i want to sell my old windows xp computer but need to wipe the drive first. will it be safe enough to clean the "empty" areas with ccleaner? if so, how do i get an older version of ccleaner that would be compatible with windows xp?
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how do i get an older version of ccleaner that would be compatible with windows xp?
I've asked in your staff area. It's an intriguing question that nobody has asked yet and it's an important question because on Windows XP the Slim build has to be used in order for it to install correctly. They don't have any old builds archived/visible for download on their main download page, or their builds download page. Hopefully they answer in here and provide a link.
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i want to sell my old windows xp computer but need to wipe the drive first. will it be safe enough to clean the "empty" areas with ccleaner?
You're always better off to replace the disk drive and install Windows fresh onto it, allowing you to keep the original disk drive. Since that's an expense, and to negate it you could use Wipe Free Space -- but make sure you use a recover scan tool (such as Recuva, etc.,) afterwards to make sure sensitive documents, etc., have actually been wiped and aren't recoverable.
If you have the Windows install disks I'd personally use DBAN (free/open source) to nuke the data on the disk, and then install Windows fresh onto it. Probably one of the safer more thorough approaches versus trying to wipe data with an OS installed on the disk.
CCleaner v5.64 is the last version that you will be able to use on XP and Vista and you will not be able to update, however v5.64 will receive any future critical security updates. Thanks
- Create one webpage which provides information which versions/builds of CCleaner are available (+ download links), for which operating system(s) (Windows, Mac, .... ) and on what versions of Windows these latest builds will (still) work. Then the info for this XP
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Hi, the Windows XP and Vista build can be downloaded from here: <a href="https://download.ccleaner.com/sunset/ccsetup564_xp-vista.exe" rel="external nofollow">https://download.ccleaner.com/sunset/ccsetup564_xp-vista.exe </a>
<strong>CCleaner v5.64</strong> is the last version that you will be able to use on XP and Vista...
Hi Sandra CCleaner:
Thank you for that direct download link. Is that the installer for the slim build, and is there a download link for the portable (.ZIP) version of CCleaner v5.64?
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<span style="font-weight:400;">"<em>If you are on Windows XP or Vista, you can safely use CCleaner version 5.64, please download our slim build <a href="https://www.ccleaner.com/ccleaner/builds" rel="external">here</a>. This version will only ever receive critical security updates....</em>"</span>
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Please note that the download link for CCleaner v5.64 in the CCleaner support article <em><a href="https://support.piriform.com/hc/en-us/articles/360040325231-Which-versions-of-CCleaner-work-with-Windows-XP-or-Vista-" rel="external" target="_blank">Which versions of CCleaner work with Windows XP or Vista?</a></em> simply redirects users to <a href="https://www.ccleaner.com/ccleaner/builds" rel="external" target="_blank">https://www.ccleaner.com/ccleaner/builds</a>, which is <strong>currently offering the incorrect CCleaner v5.66.7716</strong>. From that support article as of today:
Hi Imacri, thanks for pointing this out. I have asked the team to update the article so it points to the right place.
The link provided by Hazelnut is the correct slim download for v5.64
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....The link provided by Hazelnut is the correct <strong>slim</strong> download for v5.64 <img alt=":)" data-emoticon="" height="20" src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/default_smile.png" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" title=":)" width="20">
Hi hazelnut / Sandra CCleaner:
I was looking for the CCleaner Portable v5.64 for XP/Vista (i.e., something like ccsetup564.zip or ccsetup564_xp-vista.zip) that I can run from a USB thumb drive without installation.
As Sandra CCleaner noted, the download link at https://www.ccleaner.com/ccleaner/download/portable?os=5.1w3 currently appears to be offering the Slim installer for v5.64 (ccsetup564_xp-vista.exe) in spite of the fact that the URL includes the word "portable" in the URL.
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- Suggestion:
- Create one webpage which provides information which versions/builds of CCleaner are available (+ download links), for which operating system(s) (Windows, Mac, .... ) and on what versions of Windows these latest builds will (still) work. Then the info for this XP
- Or add this information to an existing webpage.
I had suggested they create a page, but I don't think they care to have a webpage for XP/Vista users. So my response was to create this at the very end of this pinned help topic (so it's at least documented with information):
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I was looking for the CCleaner <strong>Portable</strong> v5.64 for XP/Vista (i.e., something like ccsetup564.<strong>zip </strong>or ccsetup564_xp-vista<strong>.zip</strong>) that I can run from a USB thumb drive without installation.
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...I was looking for the CCleaner <strong>Portable</strong> v5.64 for XP/Vista (i.e., something like ccsetup564.<strong>zip </strong>or ccsetup564_xp-vista<strong>.zip</strong>) that I can run from a USB thumb drive without installation...
I followed the link to the zip, but it doesn't seem to be the correcet version for XP, at least the 32 bits one. I get the message it is an invalid win32 app. Maybe, it's because the version is 5.64.7613 when the last one working with xp is supposed to be 5.64.7577. Is it still possible to get this portable version somewhere ?