CCleaner will not run

Daughters laptop running Vista Home Premium.

I just installed latest version of Ccleaner

Installed, un-installed and reinstalled

Tried to run as administrator, etc. Still same probelm

tried searches for similar

I have very little experience with Vista

Received this error trying to run Ccleaner

A critical error has occured in Ccleaner. The application must now close

The thread attemted to read from or write to a virtual address for which it

does not have appropriate access


Hopefully a stupid question/problem.

uninstall Ccleaner and reinstall by right click on the Setup program and install as Administrator. This should solve the problem

Tried that. Did uninstall; then did a complete restart.

Then re-installed as admin. Same problem. Will not run.

Having same issue with AVG anti-virus. runs at start up but can not run program

or a system scan. Had similiar issue with firefox. wondering if virus/malware on system.

Ran an online scan. Found only tracking cookies.


To completely rule out a malware infection have a look here.

Do as much as you can before posting.

I downloaded CCleaner this morning, but everytime I start a scan my computer freezes up. What am I doing wrong? Kristabelle.

My daughter's dell laptop continued to act up.

After trying to run various virus scans, etc that were followed with critical errors

I then went to safe mode and tried same. OS went into a loop and kept

saying there was an error in windows explorer and needed to restart Win explorer.

Shut system down. Went to restore point. Still same outcome.

Then spent most of the day reinstalling Vista, drivers, etc.

Since machine is relatively new. Not to concerned with what may have lost.

So far, everything appears okay. Actually seemed to run quicker.

Ccleaner ran without issue now. Still need to complete the virus & malware scans.

Hopefully all set now.

Thanks for help on malware follow-up.