I love CCleaner! Use it everyday. However, I've noticed that when I run System Mechanic AFTER CCleaner, it catches a lot of .tmp and .dmp files that CCleaner misses. And it's always in the c:\documents and settings\user\ folder. Why is that?
I love CCleaner! Use it everyday. However, I've noticed that when I run System Mechanic AFTER CCleaner, it catches a lot of .tmp and .dmp files that CCleaner misses. And it's always in the c:\documents and settings\user\ folder. Why is that?
CCleaner doesn't find all those different junk extensions because it's mainly an application cleaner which means it doesn't hunt out .bak, .tmp files, etc., that may be hidden in other folders. It's also another reason why CCleaner is safer than SysMech.
You can however enable CCleaner to delete .tmp, .bak or whatever extension you want using a customized winapp2.ini entry you'd have to create for yourself. To figure out how to use winapp2.ini you can download it from here.
Also, under Options -> Advanced, there is a checkbox for "Only delete files in Windows Temp folders older than 48 hours". If you uncheck that, it may delete more.