CCleaner vs Revo Uninstaller

Hello folks, I recently purchased a license for CCleaner. I didn't realize it came with an uninstaller! While I'm glad about that, I was wondering if it does something that Revo Uninstaller doesn't or vice versa. Who else has used both?

Ccleaner's uninstaller only runs the uninstall that windows would run. As far as I know revo looks for leftover files/folders/registry and removes them.

I use both - CCleaner for cleaning, and Revo for uninstalling.

They are different tools for different jobs, although there is some overlap in places.

As Nergal says;

The uninstall tool in CCleaner is simply a quicker way of running the Windows uninstaller.

Revo is a dedicated uninstaller app and can go further. It will run the standard uninstaller <em>and then</em> search for leftovers to also remove associated things that would otherwise get left behind by the Windows uninstaller.

Revo is what you use when you want to remove as much as possible without necessarily having to do it manually like looking for and deleting left over files, folders, and registry data.