CCleaner Vs Private Diary photos

CCleaner wiped all the photos from my Private Diary app!

How can I stop this, my photos are more important to me than a clean phone!

Without more details of just what you did it's impossible to say what happened.

But I think you have answered your own question.

I took CCleaner off my phone a while back, for different reasons.

I still have it on the PC, (but that's under review as I've written my own batch file to clean just what I want to).

16 hours ago, nukecad said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		Without more details of just what you did it's impossible to say what happened.

		But I think you have answered your own question.

		I took CCleaner off my phone a while back, for different reasons.

		I still have it on the PC, (but that's under review as I've written my own batch file to clean just what I want to).

Hi Nukecad

Thanks for your reply, for a reasonably un tech savvy user like myself, the tendancy is to use these apps without fully understanding how they do what they do. Seems the sensible thing to do would be to understand how to do these cleaning processes myself!

Hi Billmcgill

Are you able to confirm the app the photos are being deleted from (this? - )

and if possible the storage location of said deleted images


Thanks for the reply; Yes that is the app. The photos downloaded from within phone, are saved alongside the diary entries.

I was able to restore the photos, thankfully, by re downloading the private diary app, but don't understand why they disappeared.

4 hours ago, Billmcgill said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		Thanks for your reply, for a reasonably un tech savvy user like myself, the tendancy is to use these apps without fully understanding how they do what they do. Seems the sensible thing to do would be to understand how to do these cleaning processes myself!

That's why CCleaner is there and why it's so popular, you don't need to be 'techy' to use it.

It does a good job of cleaning junk files for you, and you can (usually) trust that it's doing it right.

(Some of the other things it does have become questionable recently).

But I, like quite a few others here, recently started questioning if I couldn't do what I wanted some other way.

So I looked at what CCleaner was cleaning on my particular laptop, and thought about it.

I decided that some things could now be left to Windows10 to clean itself, especially as you can now schedule Storage Sense.

Other things I wanted cleaning needed a different approach.

I only use Firefox browser, so found what I wanted to be cleared from that, cookies/supercookies/sessions/caches/old logs and error reports/etc., and found where Firefox stored them.

Then did a quick search on writing/using batch files in Windows10, and wrote a trial batch file.

A bit of testing and refining and I now have something that will clear 'leftovers' from a Firefox session in under half a second.

I've also added a few other things like recent file lists and log/tmp files for a few other apps I use, and emptying the Recycle Bin.

Of course that's all specific for my machine and the apps that I use, so I don't have to cater for all possible browsers/apps/etc. like CCleaner has to.

And it's just a file cleaner/deleter, it doesn't have any of CCleaners other tools.

I still have CCleaner for occasional use, ie. if I have to use then clean Internet Explorer, or want to use one of the other tools, but I don't use it often now.

(Mostly I just use the analyze without cleaning, to see what it's still finding after my/Windows own cleaning).

It would be pushing the forum rules too far to share my batch file, and it would need changing to suit each user/PC anyway.

But it's not that hard to learn how to write your own; go on - learn something new.

Of course it would be different, but surprisingly similar to do it for Android.

Think about it, millions of people write Android apps everyday, just look how many there are on Google Play Store.

There is nothing to stop you writing a simple Android app just for your own use.

7 minutes ago, nukecad said:
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		what I wanted to be cleared from that, cookies/supercookies/sessions/caches/old logs and error reports/etc., and found where Firefox stored them.

I used to only use a batch file and .reg file to clean before CCleaner was even a thing, still use it on my old WinXP system but haven't got around to poking around Win10 yet to make my own cleaner for it yet.

You can also use a .REG file to clean MRU's by having that batch file CALL it - so you'd essentially have your batch file and a reg file to clean everything all via that single batch file you've created.

It's not so much the Windows stuff, I'll leave most of that to Storage Sense with Win10, but MRUs and logfiles from other apps.

(And I'm extra careful/wary of editing the Registry with Windows 10, things change too often with Win10 for me to risk doing it other than manually).

Examples of what I mean:

ADWCleaner creates a new logfile everytime it is run, which Windows own cleaning won't touch/delete. (I previously had an include in CCleaner).

Firefox old/submitted crash logs are not cleared by Windows or CCleaner.


I've no doubt that winapp2 may cover those (never used it) but having them targeted for removal in your own batch is faster anyway.

@Andavari @nukecad Can we please try and keep this on topic

@Billmcgill as you are able to recover your photos by re-installing the application its seems as though CCleaner is deleting a file or chached data that is telling Private Diary where these photos are stored. I have passed this onto the Android Dev team and will get back to you when I have more information. For now I reccomend going into App Manager in CCleaner, selecting Private Diary, clicking options (three dots in the top right) and adding it to your ignore list.

No problem Ben, I knew I was pushing forum boundries a bit there.

17 hours ago, Ben Piriform said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		<span><span><a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/26-andavari/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="26" href="<___base_url___>/profile/26-andavari/" rel="">@Andavari</a></span> <a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/73689-nukecad/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="73689" href="<___base_url___>/profile/73689-nukecad/" rel="">@nukecad</a> Can we please try and keep this on topic</span>

		<span><a contenteditable="false" data-ipshover="" data-ipshover-target="<___base_url___>/profile/83145-billmcgill/?do=hovercard" data-mentionid="83145" href="<___base_url___>/profile/83145-billmcgill/" rel="">@Billmcgill</a></span> as you are able to recover your photos by re-installing the application its seems as though CCleaner is deleting a file or chached data that is telling Private Diary where these photos are stored. I have passed this onto the Android Dev team and will get back to you when I have more information. For now I reccomend going into App Manager in CCleaner, selecting Private Diary, clicking options (three dots in the top right) and adding it to your ignore list.

Thanks Ben, but can't seem to access ignore list as you describe. when I select Private Diary in CCleaner app manager there are no dots top right.

Is there another way to access ignore list?

Thanks Ben, but can't seem to access ignore list as you describe. when I select Private Diary in CCleaner app manager there are no dots top right.

Is there another way to access ignore list?

Whilst in the app manager section, rather than clicking into the application, simply select the checkbox to the right hand side of it. You should then be able to access the options in the top right and add to the ignore list.

Thanks it!