I no two very much different bit's of software, But i just wanted to know other peoples opinions.
Iv used CCleaner a long while now and i think it's brillient(up to this latest version)
I have CCleaner to run at startup(takes years now(i know ther eis topics about the speed of it in latest version but have not yet read why))
But when it comes to right clicking recycle bin i have been using eraser now as it is so much faster(i no CCleaner does alot more when erasing)
it just seems to take for ever now
Hello ident,
The latest CCleaner v02.05.555 seems slower to many users who use secure delete.
Prior versions were not secure deleting everything.If you are using secure delete you will see an increase in time especially when you select more than 1 overwrite.
Overwriting more than 1 time is a waste of time.Nobody is going to go to the expense of forensically
analyzing your overwritten files unless you have highly classified information.It is just too hard to do and too expensive to do.
This version runs faster than previous versions for me.I do not overwrite any data on a normal basis.
The latest CCleaner v02.05.555 seems slower to many users who use secure delete.
Prior versions were not secure deleting everything.If you are using secure delete you will see an increase in time especially when you select more than 1 overwrite.
Overwriting more than 1 time is a waste of time.Nobody is going to go to the expense of forensically
analyzing your overwritten files unless you have highly classified information.It is just too hard to do and too expensive to do.
This version runs faster than previous versions for me.I do not overwrite any data on a normal basis.
Thanks for the helpful reply. It actually makes sense now. Yes for some reason i use 35 overpasses. God knows why when im just deleting basic stuff like txt files. old films, music etc.
come to think of it why? for some reason i just dont like the thought of deleting stuff, actually being recovered. Not that im hiding ne thing.
CC takes a long time in the analysis stage when one isn't overwriting anything. I don't use secure delete as my normal option and I wait. Yes, 35 overwrites is the equivalent to Silvester Stallone movies - you just don't have to use that many bullets.
CC takes a long time in the analysis stage when one isn't overwriting anything. I don't use secure delete as my normal option and I wait. Yes, 35 overwrites is the equivalent to Silvester Stallone movies - you just don't have to use that many bullets.
Hey Augeas,
Yep,analysis takes time since it's doing all that sorting and running around and adding up all those bytes and things.I don't mind it cause I'm the curious type.Same old,same old.Maybe I'll just start clicking on Run Cleaner right away.
Rambo knows 1 well placed bullet does the job.It just doesn't sell as well at the Box Office.
Besides, he's not paying for the ammo and doesn't worry about melting the barrel on his Hard Drive weapon.
Maybe I'll just start clicking on Run Cleaner right away.
Doesn't CC run the analysis stage anyway however you use it, so running Clean right away is just as long, but it saves one click I suppose.
Rambo just sprays bullets from his huge weapon in all directions and the opposition (mainly foreigners, so we don't worry so much) just drop like flies. Yet when twenty of the baddies spray him, he miraculously manages to dodge all of the flak. I wish I knew where he bought his lucky headband.
The best must be Lewis last night. During an interview he takes a dna swab from the suspects. A few minutes later a knock on the door and - It's a match, Guv!
By the way, CCleaner is excellent, just the right mix of usefulness and dangerousness for most users. I haven't used Eraser though.