Not sure if I'm posting this in the proper place, or even if this is allowed. I read through the rules and it did say advertising was not allowed but I was more hoping for opinions than soliciting traffic.
I created a 4 part video series on CCleaner and wanted to get some feedback as to your thoughts. Since you guys here are more experienced with it than most I thought this the perfect place.
***Please keep in mind these videos are aimed at the absolute beginner so don't hate me too much for telling them to skip over the Issues feature completely. Any registry cleaning done by a beginner is a bad idea in my opinion.
I'll check back here daily and try to respond to every criticism.
You should clarify the OS's that CCleaner is compatible with. I only watched the first video, but you only talked about Windows XP.
What operating systems does CCleaner work with?
Fully tried and tested with Windows 95/98/NT4/ME/2000/XP/2003.
It's also fully compatible with XP Service Pack 2.
(There is no Mac or Unix version.)
I agree; the videos should at least mention that CCleaner also works on the versions that K listed.
Also, CCleaner works with Windows Vista, but it only works with the 32-bit versions of all of the listed OSes. For example, CCleaner works with Windows XP, but it does not work (properly) with Windows XP x64 Edition. You could probably leave out the 64-bit stuff, as that would most likely just confuse the users who watch these videos, but at least include a side note about support for other versions of Windows.
Otherwise, I would say that your videos are informative and do a decent job of simplifying things for beginners. Nice work. Perhaps to get rid of the monotony, you could periodically flash pictures of nudist colonies or something...
Well, I only have one voice. The audio could definitely be better, and I am working on the setup as well as trying to inflect and have a bit more range. But for now, it's monotone "r" us .
You should clarify the OS's that CCleaner is compatible with. I only watched the first video, but you only talked about Windows XP.
What operating systems does CCleaner work with?
Fully tried and tested with Windows 95/98/NT4/ME/2000/XP/2003.
It's also fully compatible with XP Service Pack 2.
(There is no Mac or Unix version.)
Absolutely right, however the name sake of the site is discoverxp as in windows XP and fully focuses on that particular operating system.
I agree; the videos should at least mention that CCleaner also works on the versions that K listed.
Also, CCleaner works with Windows Vista, but it only works with the 32-bit versions of all of the listed OSes. For example, CCleaner works with Windows XP, but it does not work (properly) with Windows XP x64 Edition. You could probably leave out the 64-bit stuff, as that would most likely just confuse the users who watch these videos, but at least include a side note about support for other versions of Windows.
Otherwise, I would say that your videos are informative and do a decent job of simplifying things for beginners. Nice work. Perhaps to get rid of the monotony, you could periodically flash pictures of nudist colonies or something...
Thanks for the compliment and I'll see what I can do about the photos.
They are good videos for the beginner which is who they are aimed at, so that's good. I definitely think you should put a link to the builds without the toolbar tho, i mean whats the point in recommending a program which removes crap and giving them a link to download the one which includes crap?
And if you link to the download link to the clean non-adware versions called "slim" and "basic" that don't include the damned Yahoo toolbar.
Apologies, was unaware there were two download links. I also thought the toolbar was optional--been a while since I installed. I have since linked to the basic build.
Yup, I would have to say that between the proper CCleaner link and a nudie pic here and there, you (mfarley) are pretty much good to go.
I've searched everywhere, and apparently there are no nude photos anywhere on the net.
Very informative videos!
Thanks, I appreciate that.
They are good videos for the beginner which is who they are aimed at, so that's good. I definitely think you should put a link to the builds without the toolbar tho, i mean whats the point in recommending a program which removes crap and giving them a link to download the one which includes crap?
I like you site design by the way.
You're right about the toolbar, I have now fixed the link. Thanks for the kudos on the design, I am going to redo the home page to look less like a blog and more like a gateway. Other then that, I'll probably stick to the design I've got for a long while as most of my free net time is spent on the mp3s as well as the videos.
Well, I'll probably get shot here for saying this but...if you don't know what you're doing you should stay out of the registry all together. If you know what you're doing you're a.) probably not in my targeted audience and therefore wouldn't have heard me say that and b.) you're most likely manually cleaning out the registry or at the very least know what the different options mean.
I've used the issues option with everything checked and have never had a problem, but then again I backed up with an image of my full drive before hand just in case AND I backup from an image of a clean install of XP/SP2 every 6 months or so, so my registry doesn't ever have time to get too messy.
For those with the monotone remarks--I have made a conscious effort on my latest series to vary my range so if I get time later in the year I might redo the ccleaner videos.
Dedicated to what project? The ccleaner videos or my videos in general?
If you're talking about in's simple--copius amounts of money right? No, it's just a melding of all my hobies really. I love technology, I very much love bringing technology to people who might think they'll never understand it, I enjoy video editing (though most of my dvd video editing is done one my mac using final cut express so that's not really applicable here), and I love getting emails from people who learned from watching my videos. Maybe they wouldn't have tried ccleaner or trillian or some other random app but they know I'll be around to break it down and explain it to them. It's a pretty good feeling.
Really, it's just fun for me. Some people play video games, some people paint paintings, my hobby is making these videos.
If you're talking about why I made the ccleaner videos--I just like the application, it's a great tool for freeing up space so wanted to share that tool with others.
I'm not trying to sound all saintly, the videos are just my hobby.