CCleaner Vers. 3 Suggestions

Hi all...First of all Thanks for the Great Work you do in Development of Very Good Software!!!

My suggestions are:

1) Use 3.x.x Version Number instead of cause seems Too 3.0.x for Minor Update and 3.x.0 for The First Major Update;

2) In Struments put First the Tab "StartUp Programs" instead of "Installed Programs" cause with Much Programs Installed cause "Long" Load.

Thanks Very Much for Understanding and Keep Up the Good Work! =)

2) In Struments put First the Tab "StartUp Programs" instead of "Installed Programs" cause with Much Programs Installed cause "Long" Load.

This is a good suggestion actually.

Yeah +1 to both.

Latest four digits are BUILD version, so it makes sense.

the reason for the naming process is sometimes software (updaters and vulurablity-checking software for example) becomes confused if you have a 3.1.0000 and then later have a 3.10.0000; the way around this is to use 3.01.0000 this way the software doesn't ignore the trailing 0