Ccleaner v2.19.889 did not fix Cookies bug in IE8

:( Just downloaded this latest version of Ccleaner and quickly realized that the Cookies set in the "cookies to keep" box are removed after reboot.

Ccleaner v2.19.889 claims to have fixed the problem with Cookies in IE8, but it did not. Please try again.

Hi eva,

Just wanted to let you know you are not alone. I too just finished installing and then running the new version and like you I lost all my saved passwords.

Looks like the reported fix doesn't work afterall.

For the benefit of Piriform techs I am running a Compaq Presario AMD Athlon 64 Processor 3300+, 2411MHz/1.93 GBs RAM, running Windows Xp Home, SP3., with IE8.

Have a great day!

Thanks and regards,

2harts4ever :wub::wub:

Yes, I am also experiencing the same problem with IE8 cookies. Must have something to do with the In Private Browsing and the way those cookies are handled. However, you can still exclude the two index.dat files in the c:/user/*NAME*/appdata/roaming/microsoft/windows/cookies/ & /low. Not an elegant fix but it works.

Before the installation of CCleaner v2.19, I checked each of my user's CCleaner configurations for accuracy and inclusion of specific cookies and files/folders. Each user on the CCleaner computer has their own registry settings. WinXP SP3 IE8 is installed with the following settings for the Browsing History Delete:

Preserve favorite website data: No

Temporary Internet Files: Yes

Cookies: No

History: Yes

Form Data: Yes

Passwords: Yes

InPrivate Filtering Data: No

If you set Cookies: Yes, IE8 will wipe out your cookies regardless of your CCleaner settings so setting IE8 so it preserves cookies allows CCleaner to selectively remove cookies.

Users on our CCleaner equipped system include an administrator and two power users. Only the administrator has full access and results from CCleaner actions. Those without administrative rights may not have access to remove files. For example, power users can't remove all the Temporary Internet Files so CCleaner's actions in this regard leave files untouched. To overcome this, we allow IE8 to remove the Temporary Internet Files. The lesson here is to know what application has the rights to carry out your wishes. CCleaner and IE8 have different actions and rights and you will need to analyze these to get them assigned correctly.

Before you update your CCleaner, you should run a batch file to capture each user's CCleaner settings. The batch file looks like this:

@echo off

rem This batch file exports (regedit /e) CCleaner current user settings

rem from the registry to a regedit version 5 file, CCleanerSave.reg with username prepended

regedit /e %USERNAME%-CCleanerSave.reg "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Piriform\CCleaner\"

Look at what this file saves and you get an idea what CCleaner settings are placed in the registry so you can manage those settings better. A text file of commands for restoring the settings is attached to this post.

I use NirSoft's IECookiesView application as an aid in testing where cookies are involved. But this application cannot save and restore cookies which would be a useful utility to have. It will save a text version of the cookies which is informationally interesting but doesn't resurect deleted cookies.

My results: I had some problems with the new version of CCleaner but I had backups of my CCleaner settings and cookies so I simply uninstalled CCleaner and reinstalled it and it seems to work well.

I would be interested in the CCleaner developer being more clear on exactly what changes were made in the new version 2.19 with regard to IE8. I think transparency in letting users know some detail of exactly what was wrong and how it was corrected would provide users with more confidence in the product and our ablilty to use it. Thanks for all the work on this fine product!



I am sorry to hear that you are still having problems with CCleaner and IE8 cookies.

Would anyone be able to post a list of cookies that are being deleted? Can you also let us know if these cookies are listed in either the "Cookies to Delete" or "Cookies to Keep" list?

Many thanks

Note: Adobe Flash Player cookies are now being listed in the "Cookies to Delete" list. (new in version 2.19.889)


For non-admin users, CCleaners's "Cookies to Delete" list is not being purged but the cookies on that list are being deleted as confirmed by IECookiesView from NirSoft. So, this is a new bug in this version 2.19. I have confirmed that this bug does not exist in version 2.18.

For non-admins, CCleaner Cleaner settings, Windows Tab, Internet Explorer, the only item checked for those users is Cookies. In IE8, all users, I've set the Browsing History Delete to NOT delete cookies prefering instead to have CCleaner selectively delete cookies with its Save list.

For non-admins, CCleaner preserves the cookies on the Save List after cleaning during the current session AND preserves those same cookies after a system restart. This is so in versions 2.19 and 2.18. The user's CCleaner settings are also preserved even when the CCleaner application is uninstalled and reinstalled by an administrator.

For admin users, I've set CCleaner to clean ALL Internet Explorer items and also to save two cookies: and During a session, cleaning will remove all but these two cookies. However, when the system is restarted, those two cookies are removed even though CCleaner does not identify in its Analysis that they will be removed. So, this is definitely a bug in the new version and the behavior is different than that of non-admin users! However, I have now confirmed that this bug also exists in version 2.18 but I had overlooked it because I rarely use the administrative profile.

After uninstalling version 2.19 and reverting to version 2.18 I can report that the behavior is the same for both versions. The deletion of cookies on a system restart that were on the CCleaner Save list is confirmed in version 2.18 and 2.19.

For non-admins only, the persistence of cookies listed (from current and prior browsing sessions) on the CCleaner Cookies to Delete list AFTER a cleaning is confirmed only in version 2.19. This bug did not exist in version 2.18.

Note: Adobe Flash Player cookies are now being listed in the "Cookies to Delete" list. (new in version 2.19.889)

Would it be possible to provide more explanation of this change? Adobe Flash Player is still listed under the CCleaner Applications. Should be leave it checked, unchecked or ignore that setting? How do we provide persistence in our Flash Player settings? Do we need to use CCleaner to save a specific cookie (what's the name(s) of the cookies supposedly listed in the Cookies to Delete list? I don't see any Flash Player specific cookies listed there). Sorry, but I got lost trying to figure out what was changed in CCleaner and what I'm supposed to do about the change to either purge or keep my Flash Player settings. Thanks.


I'll try to explain my findings since I did not receive clarification from the developer. Subsequent to the above finding, I found on the CCleaner Multimedia Applications list that Adobe Flash Player was not checked. After checking that item and running the CCleaner Analyze function, I noticed many more items marked for deletion. These items are Flash settings files. Apparently some of these files or the contents of some of these are being listed in "Cookies to Delete" when the Adobe Flash Player option is unchecked and then when Run Cleaner is executed, those items listed remain. However, when the Adobe Flash Player option is checked and then when RunCleaner is executed, the "Cookies to Delete" list is emptied.

I'd still appreciate an explanation as the documentation doesn't deal with this change yet. The names of the Flash Player "Cookies to Delete" don't match up to the list of items in the Analyze list even when they are the only items being analyzed. Nevertheless, there is some connection between the two but it's not clear what that connection is.

I am sorry to hear that you are still having problems with CCleaner and IE8 cookies.

Would anyone be able to post a list of cookies that are being deleted? Can you also let us know if these cookies are listed in either the "Cookies to Delete" or "Cookies to Keep" list?

Many thanks

Note: Adobe Flash Player cookies are now being listed in the "Cookies to Delete" list. (new in version 2.19.889)

All of my cookies are being deleted including all of those on the to keep list :(

I am using Vista.

All of my cookies are being deleted including all of those on the to keep list :(

I am using Vista.

The same thing whith me...And now ?............

The same thing whith me...And now ?............

Ditto ....



Just tested and same for me also...gone


Please check new release:;#entry135136



Perfect ... that did it! Thanks for such a speedy fix.

