Excellent posts!!!
* If you make one for IE, is there any chance for one for Firefox or Opera? Those are the 3 main browsers now. Don't worry about the rest. If you cover those, you hit probably 98% of the market or more.
* Is there a way to opt out during install for those who don't need the toolbar(s)? (Thanks Tarun 4 the excellent idea)
* Any chance of maybe a version that runs off cd with an option to kill all running processes, with that option checked by default EXCEPT CCleaner + all cleaning options selected (Spyware infested machines slowing cleaning to a crawl)? It may sound weird, but I have seen some machines so infected that even though they have a fast machine + 1 gig of mem or more, having so many spywares loaded in mem really brings their system (& cleaning) to a grind. Having this option would really speed things up.
* Any way to add BHO removal with the tool section where you have add/remove & startup? It only affects IE, but a way to reset IE to default search + disable / remove Browser Helper Objects would be nice. BHO are located in a registry key
*BHOs can do absolutely ANYTHING to your system, & they are often installed without your knowledge. There is a LOT of abuse by vendors, as I see Internet Explorer causing the main problems I encounter on computers. Users of Firefox or Opera just do NOT seem to get quite as many viruses / spywares installed. (See: http://www.definitivesolutions.com/bhodemon.htm)
*Internet Explorer reads the registry, looks up keys stored in the
HKLM/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Explorer/Browser Helper Objects registry hive and loads all the objects whose CLSID is stored there upon Browser (or new Browser Window) launch.
* This is the ONLY place that BHO data is stored from what I read, so it should be relatively simple to implement. Firefox & Opera do not have this problem. This would clean even MORE junk off a PC &
make me one very happy person.
* Also, C:\Windows\Downloaded Program Files tends to get corrupted over time, causing errors on the pc when using apps like yahoo. Any chance to add this oft overlooked dir to the list of cleaned directories?
Many thanks MR. G!!! --- You da' best!!!