Hi. This is my first post on this forum. I downloaded and installed CCleaner v1.21.130 today and I have a few questions I hope someone can help me with.
Before I run a new program I like to understand exactly what it does. I just read the Beginner's section on this board but there are still things I don't understand.
Here are some questions that I have before I use CCleaner.
1. If I run analysis before run tool, will the analysis show me what will be deleted without actually deleting anything?
2. I see all the items are checked in the Windows section except for 2 (autocomplete form history is grayed out and advanced section is grayed out). One of the boxes checked in Windows is Last Download Application. Can you tell me what this does? I made a downloaded file in my Program Files where all my downloads are and I don't want to have anything here deleted. By checking this box will anything be deleted in my Downloaded files?
3. Under Applications/Applications the box for Office 2003 is checked. I have Office 2003 on my computer but it is not actually installed. The files are there but it is a new computer and I have a 60 day trial period. Will anything in Office 2003 be deleted?
4. Again under Applications/Utilities 2 boxes are checked for Spybot S&D and Ad-Aware SE. I have both of these programs. Can you tell me, by having these boxes checked, will it delete these programs?
5. Under Issues. When I click scan for issues will this find anything that is wrong with the registry or programs that may have been uninstalled but left fragments behind?
6. Should I first Run Cleaner and then go to Issues and scan for issues or by running the cleaner will it also scan for issues?
Last, I had a program I installed on June 10th called Grouper. I didn't realize dial-up users couldn't use the program so I uninstalled it. Now when I run a HJT log I keep getting an entry that can't be fixed by HJT. It is called 016 - DFC:\WebControlDeploy - and that's all it says. I have been informed this has to do with the Grouper program. I used Registrar Lite and it found remnants of Grouper on my computer. Will CCleaner find these remnants and remove them???
Sorry this is so long and wordy, but this is what I do. Ask a lot of questions and then run the program....... Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
2. It wont delete what you downloaded.
3. It removes things like the recently opened documents list (not the files themselves).
4. It will remove the logs of previous scans. (perfectly safe)
5. It will find old registry entries that were leftover from uninstalling programs.
6. No the issues scan is different from the applications/window tabs. The registry cleaner is perfectly safe, but if you feel uneasy about it you will be prompted to make a backup.
About grouper I have never heard of it. Try the issues scan in CCleaner and it might go away. Depending on what grouper is it could be spyware, I really dont know. So run CCleaner and see if that fixes it if not post back and someone will help you out further.
Many thanks from my end. I have posted on lots of forums, but your response was quick and to the point. I am going to use CCleaner when I shut the go off line in a few minutes.
Someone I talk to on another forum thought it would be a good program for the other members to have a program we could use to share pictures etc back and forth and Grouper was that program. It didn't work on my computer and ever since I uninstalled it I can't seem to get rid of the fragments.
Have a good night and god bless.............
Since I started this thread with questions about CCleaner, I have a few more. Decided to use same thread to continue.
1. When I installed CCleaner the first time using www.CCleaner.com it downloaded and installed version 1.17 (can't remember the rest). I extracted the files and was ready to run program. First I checked for updates and there was a newer version (v 1.21.130). It said I did not need to uninstall old version before installing newer version so I went ahead and updated. I put all my downloads in a downloaded file I made. After update I went to check it out and in my downloaded file I have both versions there. Is it okay to delete the older version or does the newer version need the older version to work correctly???
2. How safe is the scan for issues in the Issues section of CCleaner? I run this program each time I go off line and before I shut off the computer for the night. Sometimes it finds items which I remove and then when I run it again, the same items are still listed.
Any suggestions???
1. THe install file is not needed, for saftey issues, i personally keep the current version and the last realesed version. This way if i have a problem with the newer one i can just revert back to the last one that worked perfect. But it is not needed by CCleaner.
2. After reading yuor last posts i dont think you fully understand the diffrence between issues and cleaner. Issues has to do with your registry (old registry files that are left on your computer after a install/uninstall) while cleaner is to do with temp files and other unneeded and waste files that programs keep ( such as your internet browser!). I have ran the issues on multiple computers and am proud to say that i have never ever had a problem occur because of it. But to be safe! You can alwase make a backup of the registry. I have never had to revert to an old registry because of CCleaner.
I hope this helps!
1. THe install file is not needed, for saftey issues, i personally keep the current version and the last realesed version. This way if i have a problem with the newer one i can just revert back to the last one that worked perfect. But it is not needed by CCleaner.
Thanks. You answered my question. I will keep them both there.
After reading yuor last posts i dont think you fully understand the diffrence between issues and cleaner. Issues has to do with your registry (old registry files that are left on your computer after a install/uninstall) while cleaner is to do with temp files and other unneeded and waste files that programs keep ( such as your internet browser!). I have ran the issues on multiple computers and am proud to say that i have never ever had a problem occur because of it. But to be safe! You can alwase make a backup of the registry. I have never had to revert to an old registry because of CCleaner.
I must not have made myself clear. Sorry about that. Yes I do understand the difference between the issues and the cleaner. I am not having a problem with either of them. I do know the cleaner cleans out temp files etc and I do know the Issues cleans out remnants of old things on the registry. My question about Issues is I have scanned for issues, fixed them, but the issues keep coming back. The same ones. Just wanted to know if this was what Issues did or if there was something else I needed to do. Hope I explained this better than I did the first time I asked.
I really like this program and I am glad I downloaded/installed it.
sorry about the misunderstanding, but unfortunatly my expertise only goes so far.... my suggestion is to uninstall CCleaner and then reinstall it. if that doesnt work, hopefully DJLizzard will help you out. I hope he will stay around the forums, we need him.
Some registry entries will be re-created by the programs that generated them. They're not really a problem, don't worry about them.
If all of the issues keep coming back, then something is wrong. Are you clicking "Fix Selected Issues" after you "Scan for Issues"?
Thanks for the response back. Problem solved now. I ran CCleaner 3 times by clicking "Fix Selected Issues after I "Scan for Issues". No more items appeared.
If I need additional help I know where to come.
Oh, so you were only scanning and not removing anything. Well at least its solved, good job greenknight. ![:D]()