Been using CCleaner for several years. Software set to check for Updates each time I open CCleaner. When I open CCleaner it shows an Update available, when I click to continue the CCleaner Site starts to open....but freezes. If I try just clicking on the link at the Bottom right of the software, same results. Seems this issue started after I installed a CCleaner Update back in August. I have changed nothing in my PC, same Firewall\Antivirus...
I saw where another user advised he corrected this same problem by deleting all CCleaner Registry entries. I am not comfortable deleting items out of the Registry (Using Vista Home Prem 32Bit). I deleted CCleaner using Program & Features and then Installed the newest version as a clean Install, that did not fix the problem.
It would seem others have faced this same Update issue.....has anyone come up with a fix without going into and deleting Registry entries?
Been using CCleaner for several years. Software set to check for Updates each time I open CCleaner. When I open CCleaner it shows an Update available, when I click to continue the CCleaner Site starts to open....but freezes. If I try just clicking on the link at the Bottom right of the software, same results. Seems this issue started after I installed a CCleaner Update back in August. I have changed nothing in my PC, same Firewall\Antivirus...
Well I'm not sure how you are doing this? Are you saving the lastest to your computer or are you selecting Run to install? If your selecting Run then you need to Close CCleaner before it will install properly.
I never have the Check for updates checked, why bother when you can check FileHippo or Announcements when the lastest updates have been released.
I saw where another user advised he corrected this same problem by deleting all CCleaner Registry entries. I am not comfortable deleting items out of the Registry (Using Vista Home Prem 32Bit). I deleted CCleaner using Program & Features and then Installed the newest version as a clean Install, that did not fix the problem.
If you delete the entries in the registry for CCleaner you will delete ALL your settings so don't bother.
When I open CCleaner it shows an Update available, when I click to continue the CCleaner Site starts to open....but freezes. If I try just clicking on the link at the Bottom right of the software, same results.
Are you using IE or a different browser? When you say it freezes, does the browser stop responding or the page dosent finish loading?
(Where v= the version of CC and l= installed language) What if you were to try the page without parameters?
There isnt much to the page itself aside from some JS. There are a couple ads that dont display for me as I added the domains to my restricted zone in IE. Which reminds me. Are you using any sort of ad blocker?
IE 7.x.....Page doesn't finish loading. Its not the browser, this is the only site I experience this problem
Hi denmarfl,
It is not the browser per se but the application in this situation. This is why you only experience it in CCleaner.
Many users forget the task that CCleaner is performing. It is doing some very serious things to your PC.
When you get a notification that an update is available, I suggest that you exit CCleaner and then go to to get the update. This avoids any complications caused by the fact that certain files etc. will not always be available.
This is also the same reason that I advise all users to only run CCleaner with no other applications running.
You are trying to download and update a very critical program while it is currently running. Even MS itself knows the complications involved in such a procedure.
Like many other experienced "programmers" who are also users of CCleaner, we try to keep it simple by not even using the option to check for updates. We check for updates to many programs only at times when it is safer to do so.
Yes, I have tested CCleaner Tools > Uninstall and Uninstalled CCleaner while I was using it and it worked. I certainly would not recommend this practice to anyone.
CCleaner is doing many critical things to your system. To avoid any complications the safest thing is to update it at another time.