I was wondering if anyone could help me. I recently purchased a new version of CCleaner Professional Plus.
I was able to install all the 4 products without any issues.
After I launched Ccleaner, it detected a newer version is available. Once I clicked yes, it went through the motions of downloading the new version. The window then closed and reopened in a few minutes. After it opened, it still didn't update and shows the old version. I restarted the laptop and tried to perform the update again and still shows the old version after clicking yes to perform the update.
The laptop is Windows 7 Professional.
Has anyone ever seen this issue before, if so is there a fix for this issue?
If anyone has any idea's I would be grateful if you could let me know.
the whole update process at the moment is broken, confusing and changing regularly as Piriform release one day and pull the version the next either due to customer feedback or bugs.
the latest version v5.47 was recently pulled as was v5.45 (or was it v5.46, I've simply lost count - and the will to care any more).
the auto-update process may be trying to access the main or mirror download site and still seeing a new but now defunct version.
also, the ccupdate.exe program which was originally intended to be used to update customers in an emergency has now been reclassified by Piriform to update you simply because they deem it important enough.
Updated to the latest version today and low and behold it also installed google chrome . I do not trust google andy more but even so if I wanted chrome I would install it. Is ccleaner now in cahoots with google?
No you probably missed the checkbox on the first installer screen. It's there, just unnoticed by many people.
34 minutes ago, Chiefofall said:
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Updated to the latest version today and low and behold it also installed google chrome . I do not trust google andy more but even so if I wanted chrome I would install it. Is ccleaner now in cahoots with google?