CCleaner Uninstaller


I have question about CCleaner Uninstaller.If i uninstall one programme with CCleaner uninstaller ..This should be uninstall everything and delete aswell all shorcuts,Shared files and everything from registry too am i right???

Coz when i Uninstall Software with Windows Add remove or Softwares own Uninstaller still need to manually delete many entries and its very difficult sometimes from Registry.

So from whr or which way best to uninstall a programme perfectly..........



I have question about CCleaner Uninstaller.If i uninstall one programme with CCleaner uninstaller ..This should be uninstall everything and delete aswell all shorcuts,Shared files and everything from registry too am i right???

Coz when i Uninstall Software with Windows Add remove or Softwares own Uninstaller still need to manually delete many entries and its very difficult sometimes from Registry.

So from whr or which way best to uninstall a programme perfectly..........


Hi CRoz,

CCleaner Tools Uninstall feature is not a special uninstall utility program.It just uses the uninstall program provided by the software maker.

There are no perfect uninstall programs.That is unless the software manufacturer provides one for their specific product to avoid getting a bad reputation .

The best possibility is with the software manufacturer.

You can see this thread for more information about other Uninstaller programs.

Good luck,

:) davey