CCleaner Uninstall Log


Is there any way to check in the Windows un-install logs if Ccleaner was removed from my computer?

I installed it last week and it has mysteriosly disappeared. Since i am not the only one using this computer, is there any way to confirm via logs if the program was uninstalled?


Well.. the install directory (by default) is \Program Files\CCleaner - so you could check there for the files, but I can't answer about the logs, sorry!

If the program is uninstalled that folder is removed. So i can't confirm.

Does anyone else know if there are any uninstall logs for this programs?

It looks like i might have to contact tech support.

There may be un-install entries in the Windows System Event Logs under the Application Tab.

There is no way that any log would show that some-one has deleted the program folder.

For CC to logg its own un-instal would be unnatural - its purpose to purge junk, not create junk.

If there are other users who might uninstall CC then I think you have more important things to worry about.


There may be un-install entries in the Windows System Event Logs under the Application Tab.

There is no way that any log would show that some-one has deleted the program folder.

For CC to logg its own un-instal would be unnatural - its purpose to purge junk, not create junk.

If there are other users who might uninstall CC then I think you have more important things to worry about.


I did check under the app tab, there is nothing there.

It's not unnatural for a program to leave logs after it's removed. It's actually bad programming from CCleaner.

If they used MSI for their installation/removal then there would be an event log in the Applications Tab in Windows.

But other programs which don't use msi, still leave a uninstall log when the program is removed.

It's actually bad programming from CCleaner.

It is good programming for ANY application if it is uninstalled cleanly without trace.


which is why I said it would be unnatural.

I have been designing software systems for 30 years,

and have never encountered a requirement to leave dirty footprints on the system upon removal.

The only valid reason I can think of for uninstall logs is to trace what went wrong if uninstallation is defective,

which Microsoft applications and MSI installers are prone to do.


Since i couldn't get any help from the tech support or this forum, i ran the following things on my own

1. Download regshot.

2. Take a snapshot of the registry.

3. Uninstall ccleaner

4. Take another registry snapshot.

5. Compare.

I found the following registry key:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

“UpdateKey”=“01/18/2011 10:46:56 AM”

The "UpdateKey" tells me the last time CCleaner ran, so it's close enough.

Updated our wiki so other technicians can refer to non-standard un-installation practices by this program.