I've recently been experiencing a bug/error with CCleaner.
It used to work perfectly fine but a couple of weeks ago it suddenly stopped clearing out my Temporary Files and crashes while doing so.
CCleaner handles every other partition without flaw except for that one. I can successfully clean everything listed under "Windows" and "Applications" as long as I don't include Temporary Files.
When I try to clean that folder it starts off really slow and, shown in the progress menu, takes a couple of seconds to clear one file in the Temporary Files folder. Then, a couple of seconds later, CCleaner just shuts down, the scan stops and the program closes.
Any help or alternative programs I could use would be much appreciated.
I will try downgrading and downloading an older version of CCleaner soon. Will post results of that since it might have got something to do with the recent CCleaner update.
Additional info:
My OS is Windows XP Home Edition.
The CCleaner version I'm using is the most recent one (v3.09.1493). I have tried reinstalling it to no avail.
The Folder in question is "Temporary Files" which can be found under "System" in the "Windows" tab.
The deletion setting I'm using is the default one, no multiple swipes or overwrites.
What I meant was that it takes a couple of seconds to clear each file.
Before this bug occured it took 5 seconds at most to clear the entire folder, now it takes 5 seconds to clear one file. It usually cleans a file or two before crashing.
Malware could be a possibility though. I'm relatively sure I don't have any too malicious malware on my account, but this computer is used by multiple people so it's very possible that one of my fellow users has gotten the PC infected with malware.
I will install and run Malwarebytes Anti-Malware/Spybot SND on all of the accounts and see what I come up with.
Perhaps the single file is malware which does not want to go and does not even allow itself to be Analyzed.