Hi everyone! I'm a Product Manager with CCleaner and today I'd like to introduce you to our Ideas & Suggestions board and public roadmap.
For a while now the CCleaner team has felt that we could be doing better when it comes to communicating with our users. In particular, I'm talking about the feedback loop about the product: the bugs or cool ideas you share with us, and what we say we're going to do about them.
On top of that, we want you to have more input into our product roadmaps: that is, what we're building and in what order.
We want to improve how this works, and that's why we've set up an Ideas & Suggestions board where you can suggest improvements, discuss and vote on ideas, and a Public Roadmap where you can see what the team is working on now and what our future plans are. The idea is that if there's strong support for a great idea, we'll just go ahead and build it for you! It's that simple! ?
You can access the I&S Board from the CCleaner Discussion forum, but in case you missed it, you'll find it at: ideas.ccleaner.com
Please take a look and feel free to comment here to tell us what you think! ?