CCleaner stopped working

I have C Cleaner professional and usually get around 72 trackers on start up when there are none when I close down. Recently I was unable to get CC to work then when it did. after an upgrade. I had nearly 1000 trackers. Hopefully this was a temporary glitch but I thought I had better report it in case you or I had a problem.

trackers sounds like you're using the health check, besides using its own rules and not respecting the cookies to keep option, it calls everything a tracker. So you may have less actual trackers. Also depending on your internet usage you may have accumulated plenty of cookies and internet temp files which would account for the high number.

As Nergal says these are not 'tracking' you as such, Health Check calls all browser/internet related temporary files 'trackers'.

As you say that you are getting a lot at startup I suspect that you have browser syncing (and pre-loading?) turned on.

Or possibly 'Live tiles' on the Start menu for news, weather, etc.

For a fuller explanation, and to work out what they are and where they come from have a look at this post: