I installed it yesterday and Microsoft chromium worked fine. Ccleaner cleared all chromium boxes and now today it skipped all of Microsoft chromium. I went back in a second time and it did the same thing. What's wrong?
Would it help if I bought ccleaner pro? Right now I am using the free version.
Pro version isn't going to clean it any better!
Possibly they need to update CCleaner to clean it as per usual they will always be playing catch up especially when it comes to Chrome/Chromium-based browsers.
Would it help if I bought ccleaner pro? Right now I am using the free version.
Sorry , 0double posted by accident. Are other people having the same problem? The reason I asked about the pro version is someone wrote a long time ago to open options then monitoring then untick the enable browser monitoring. I don't have those options on the free version. Could someone please tell me if other people are experiencing this same issue? It worked yesterday.
The Pro and Free versions use exactly the same cleaning routines, so purchasing Pro will not make any difference to 'Skipping' a browser.
If CCleaner is actually saying 'Skipped' then that indicates that the browser is still open, or that some component of it is still active in the background.
CCleaner cannot clean a browser that is (partally) open.
If you have closed the browser then you can check in Task Manager to see if (some part of) the browser is still active in the background, (and if so 'End Task' to fully close it).
I used the browser then I reset it to it's default state so when I ran Ccleaner it said that it was forcing edge to close and it still skipped all edge components. I will try again and go into task manager. The part I don't understand is that it worked fine yesterday when I installed it. Is anyone else having this problem? I noticed that it was in my startup apps and the only way it would work correctly is if I left it in the startup. Doesn't that mean it is always on? Thanks
I believe that Microsoft can "tweak"/update Edge Chrome on a daily basis, so they may have changed something themselves?
If it's in the startup apps then yes, that would mean it is starting up at boot.
Just to be sure here - We are talking about the new Edge Chromium and not the old Edge aren't we?
They are very different browsers 'under the hood'.
If it's Edge Chrome then another thing to try is disabling any Extensions (add-ons) that you may have, and the seeing if CCleaner will clean it then.
Some extensions can be set to continue running in the background when Edge Chrome itself is closed.
(Or it could simply be a bad extension that isn't closing properly).
Yes it is the new edge not the old edge. I just downloaded it 2 days ago and noticed it in my startup apps and it said it had a big effect on my startup. Not to repeat myself but when I shut it off in my startup apps and restarted it went right to the edge web page . The only way it stopped doing that was when I turned it back on in my startup apps. I don't know of any other way to turn it off.
In a similar situation it helped me to restore the system to its previous state (we write about Windows as I assume).
I have the new Edge Chrome installed on this laptop but it doesn't start at boot, it doesn't even appear in the Startup apps (or in Task Manager Start-up tab).
Quote<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false"> <p> I don't know of any other way to turn it off. </p> </div>
You may also have it as a shortcut in your StartUp folder, in which case it would still start even when disabled in Startup apps.
Any app that you put a shortcut for in that folder will run at startup, regardless of the other startup settings.
Try a read of this: <a href="https://kb.iu.edu/d/adlf" rel="external nofollow">https://kb.iu.edu/d/adlf</a>
Another question - Is your Edge Chrome the latest version, 83.0.478.37, which was released last week?
It's being rolled out slowly so you might not have it yet.
As it was only fully released last week then CCleaner may not be up to date for this new Edge version yet.
PS. To manually update Edge Chrome go to Settings>Apps and click on Microsoft Edge and then Modify.
Edge 83 info: <a href="https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/microsoft/microsoft-edge-83-released-with-extension-sync-and-auto-profiles/" rel="external nofollow">https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/microsoft/microsoft-edge-83-released-with-extension-sync-and-auto-profiles/</a>
Restoring the whole system is a bit drastic, although if nothing else is solving the issue it may be an idea to uninstall/reinstall Edge Chrome.
(Note if you uninstall Edge Chrome then old Edge will be re-enabled until you install Edge Chrome again).
Thanks , to all who responded! It took awhile but I finally got it to work. I shut it off in two different places and then I have to reset ccleaner to it's defaults then run it the first box that pops up don't check it but when it asks to force edge to close check that box and it works . Will it damage ccleaner if I have to reset it to it's defaults on a daily basis? Stupid Microsoft! Yes I just download the new edge 3 days ago.
It won't harm CCleaner to reset to defaults everyday. (We do stuff like that all the time when trying to replicate a users problem).
But you shouldn't really have to, if you don't tick the 'Do not show me this message again' box then it should show every time it's needed.
The fact that it's still asking to close Edge, especially to Force close it, indicates that something in your Edge is still not closing (properly), probably extensions or push notifications.
See this for how to stop extensions, etc. from running in the background after you close Edge Chrome: <a href="https://www.windowscentral.com/how-prevent-new-microsoft-edge-running-background-windows-10" rel="external nofollow">https://www.windowscentral.com/how-prevent-new-microsoft-edge-running-background-windows-10</a>
PS. The new Windows 10 2004 has now been fully released, but you have to 'Check for Updates' (or use the Upgrade Assistant) to get it, its not an Automatic Update yet.
I've just installed it and haven't had time for a good look round yet.
No doubt we will now start getting issues related to what MS have changed this time.
Thanks, for your response! I messed with it all day yesterday and the only way it would work is if I reset ccleaner and then the first box opened not sure what it was I did not check that box but when the second one opened I had to check the box to force edge to close then it would work. You are correct edge chromium needed to be closed before it would work. However, the good news is ccleaner had a new update today and so far it worked perfectly. Hope it continues this way. Thanks for the heads up on the new Microsoft version 2004. Thank-you .Ccleaner thanks for the update today!
Good to hear that the CCleaner update to v5.67 cured the issue for you.
(I suspect that as said above it may have been something that had changed in the Edge Chrome update last week and CCleaner was playing catch up).
Windows 10 2004 is working well here (after a few restarts to get everything settled down).
There is some, unnecessary, shouting on the web about 10 known issues with upgrading to 2004, but Windows Update checks and if your machine is likely to be affected by one of those then it won't offer you the upgrade yet.
Actually it worked yesterday with no problems but today I had to reset ccleaner to clean the chromium browser. I can live with that for now. Maybe the next ccleaner update will fix it. It definitely has to do with the chromium browser staying on. I have been in a Microsoft group and they are trying to help me with the method to turn off the chromium browser. Glad you have 2004 installed. I think I will wait a bit.
I found two reasons it has been skipping both Edge and Chrome.
1. Ccleaner is not forcing them to shut down so they can be cleaned.
2. Edge apparently has an option to allow it to run in the background, even when it's closed and is not in the task bar.
Solution - right click on the edge icon that's on the right side of the task bar (sometimes hidden inside an icon that looks like and upside down v (^), after you right click on it, you'll see and option to allow it to run in the background. Uncheck that, and run again. Also, make sure chrome is closed or it will be skipped also. This background option is probably in the settings menu too, in case you can't find it the way I did in the task bar.
The answer is here:
Also do not manually forcibly close/exit Microsoft Edge Chromium because it may cause its database and/or profile(s) to become corrupted which is a whole other problem.