CCleaner simply cannot be persuaded to clean LibreWolf

I have tried two things:

I tried to create a winapp2.ini for LibreWolf according to these instructions. However, since LibreWolf does not make any entries in HKLM\Software when it is installed, these instructions cannot be implemented.

Then I downloaded the complete winapp2.ini from GitHub and kept only the Firefox/Mozilla based browsers section.

But it doesn’t seem to work. While CCleaner asks to close all other browsers while running, this does not happen for LibreWolf.

Does anyone have an idea how to somehow or other get CCleaner to clean LibreWolf?

I don’t know that particular browser but generally CCleaner cannot clean a browser that is still running, or has some component that is still running.

Check your browser settings for anything that allows the browser OR any extensions/add-ons to pre-load and/or run in the background. Don’t forget any browser “Fast start” setting.

CCleaner can ask to close the “standard” browsers if something is still running but it can’t cover all variants.

PS. If you want to try a test - if you deliberately try to clean standard Firefox when it is still open then does your CCleaner ask you to close it?

I realize that CCleaner cannot clean a browser that is still running. But since CCleaner does not ask me during the cleaning process whether it should close LibreWolf, I conclude that CCleaner does not include LibreWolf in its cleaning process. Or have I misunderstood something?

Sorry we cross posted, have a look at my edit above.

PS. If you want to try a test - if you deliberately try to clean standard Firefox when it is still open then does your CCleaner ask you to close it?

Yes, I do that. Result: If I have not only Firefox, Pale Moon, Iron, Supermium and LibreWolf all open at the same time, CCleaner asks me for every single program one after the other whether it should close it – except for LibreWolf.

If you run a Custom Clean then does it show LibreWolf as ‘Skipped’?
Similar to how Firefox is being Skipped here:

Does it show LibreWolf at all?

Edit - Having had a look round it seems that LibreWolf is not included as standard in CCleaner.
However it is included in the user maintained winapp2, so I’m not sure why that didn’t work for you when you got it from github. (Maybe you stripped out more than you meant to do?)

I suggest that you may be best asking for help on the dedicated winapp2 support thread that we have here:

LibreWolf is neither displayed as skipped nor cleaned. However, this is also the case with the browsers supported by CCleaner. For example, if I have only opened Pale Moon and start the user-defined cleanup, CCleaner “assumes” that it has skipped or cleaned Firefox (here: skipped):

   *An error has occurred: Sorry, you cannot embed media elements in a post.*

I have now made the attempt to first only open Firefox with several tabs, then close it and finally run a Custom Clean. Result:

   *An error has occurred: Sorry, you cannot embed media elements in a post.*

If I now open LibreWolf with the exact same tabs, then close it again and then clean with CCleaner, I have a different result, from which it can be concluded that CCleaner has not cleaned anything from LibreWolf:

   *An error has occurred: Sorry, you cannot embed media elements in a post.*

Perhaps you have removed more than you intended.

No, I even kept the complete cycle around all Gecko browsers. This is what an entry for the history looks like:

[Firefox Autocomplete History]
Detect4=HKLM\Software\Mozilla\Pale Moon
FileKey4=%AppData%\Moonchild Productions*\Profiles*|formhistory*

It is noticeable that all browsers refer to the HKLM branch in the registry, while only LibreWolf refers to the HKCU branch.

fwiw, this works for me

worth noting that “Delete cookies and site data when LibreWolf is closed” and “Clear history when LibreWolf closes” are checked by default in the LibreWolf settings and “Remember search and form history” is not checked by default, which would mean that upon closing LibreWolf with its default settings, not much will be left for winapp2.ini to clean up

What do you mean by “this works for me”? I clicked on the link, but didn’t understand what you were trying to say.

worth noting that …

Does this mean that, due to the default settings of LibreWolf, there is not much left to delete from CCleaner’s side or that my “problem” presented here is negligible?

I mean that there’s nothing preventing ccleaner + winapp2.ini from deleting these files, if they exist and that unless you change the settings I mentioned, they will not exist after the browser is closed, and there will not be much left for ccleaner + winapp2.ini to delete. ccleaner + winapp2.ini should still delete other files that aren’t removed by the browser’s automatic deletion such as the startup cache

Ok, I have understood. Nevertheless, CCleaner together with winapp2.ini for Firefox browsers seems to delete absolutely nothing from LibreWolf, not even the few remnants you mentioned, because in the Extended Report there are not even any entries for “Firefox” after closing LibreWolf.

If you are interested in my winapp2.ini adapted to Firefox, you can download it here.