CCleaner silent delete junction points

Setting lines from ccleaner.ini:

(App)Custom Folders=True


Now CCleaner will delete not only *.tmp files and empty folders but all junction points and symliks on C: without any message.

I check this with Ccleaner ver. 3.21.1767, 4.01.4093, 4.16.4763, Windows XP and Windows 7.

While I cannot confirm or refute the removal of these point I would point out that such a broad include is likely guaranteed to cause huge system wide issues.

Setting lines from ccleaner.ini:

(App)Custom Folders=True


I'm confused. You report this as a bug but it looks like you've put this in the ccleaner.ini file yourself, and if so it's a simple matter of removing it and not using it anymore.

Like Nergal mentioned that can cause system issues, such as the very slow operation of CCleaner, or the removal of a .tmp file which is needed such as during a software install or update. But then again I don't know how effective it could actually be since it isn't using |RECURSE at the end of it.

OK, same settings via GUI:

Cleaner \ Windows \ Advaced \ Custom Files and Folders - on

this add line (App)Custom Folders=True

Options \ Include \ Add

these settings add line Include1=PATH|C:\|*.tmp|REMOVESELF

Are you saying just enabling "Custom Files and Folders" automatically inputs the setting "Include1=PATH|C:\|*.tmp|REMOVESELF" ? I've tried disabling it, restarting CCleaner, enabling it, exiting CCleaner and that entry doesn't appear in the ccleaner.ini file for me.

I don't know if that's what you meant or not, if not please try to explain it differently so we understand exactly.

Change the last setting in your image to only delete the files not the folder

Are you saying just enabling "Custom Files and Folders" automatically inputs the setting "Include1=PATH|C:\|*.tmp|REMOVESELF" ?

I am saying just enabling "Custom Files and Folders" automatically inputs the setting "(App)Custom Folders=True".

Change the last setting in your image to only delete the files not the folder

Thank you, but I am not asking help here.

It is just "CCleaner Bug Reporting",

But it's not a bug, the reason the junctions are broken is you told the program to delete the empty folders