Ccleaner settings with Windows Live Hotmail log in

I am trying to set up Hotmail for a friend and she does not want to log in every time she starts the computer and goes into her e mail. I installed Ccleaner for her to automatically clean at start up. In Hotmail I put a tick in the remember me and the remember my password. When the computer is re-started the ticks are gone and she has to log on again. I wonder if there is a setting I have to de-select in Ccleaner to stop this happening. This is also happening with Windows Messenger. Something is clearing the settings I have made when the computer boots up the next time. Any advice would be appreciated.

You need to go to 'Options,' 'Cookies' and add the relevant cookies for hotmail and messenger to the cookies to keep list.






You need to have the cookies placed in order to remove them, so make sure you are signed into hotmail. You must then close the browser to add items to the ignore list.

CC automatically detects whether the user has installed a number of programs and Windows Live Messenger is one of them. Then a box called ""Windows Live Messenger"" shows up in the ""Application"" pane of CC. If ticking that box makes CC to wipe settings of Windows Live and could include the login settings then untick that particular box.

If you have more experience with CC then you can finetune the wiping of settings of Windows Live with the Winapp2.ini feature.

Many thanks for the suggestions, I will try these out next time I am with my friend.