Recently on my Windows 8.1 system I've noticed that regardless how often I run CCleaner or regardless of what I have actually deleted, the program tells me that there is over 1 GB of junk files that can be deleted from the Recycle Bin. I've unsinstalled the program and updated to the latest version, but to no avail. Thank goodness I have not noticed any ill effects. What can I do?
do you have the ...older than 24 hours boxes ticked per chance.
you'll find them in Options, Advanced.
Thanx for your reply. I wasn't aware that option existed. At any rate, changing the setting did not do anything. CCleaner keeps reporting about 130 files that amount to >1GB.
Thanks Kroozer!
I tried your instructions, but Windows denies my access to the Recycle Bin, although I am the admin on my system. Back to square one...
I tried again to repair/reset my Recycle Bin, which finally worked. I guess you have to know how to start an "elevated" command promt. I ran CCleaner afterwards and voilĂ : It finally shows the correct number and size of the files in the Recycle Bin again! Thanks again, especially to Kroozer!