I have been using Ccleaner for several months with no problem. Recently I bought a small program called Matter of Time). Now, every time I use Ccleaner, all of my custom settings (including the fact that I have registered) disappear from this program, and I have to enter them all over again.
Note: I use Firefox for Matter of Time, and in Ccleaner I have all Firefox options UNchecked, ie Ccleaner should remove nothing from Firefox. (I use other browsers for other purposes, which CC does clean properly).
Attached is the logfile text which relates to the offending files, ie those files which are removed that I want to remain each time I use Ccleaner.
What I want help with is this:
EITHER can someone please explain what it is that I have in checked in Ccleaner which is removing these files
OR if there is a way of identifying individual files which are to be left alone, not cleaned (kind of the opposite of the 'custom files' setting)
OR failing both of these options, is there an easy way to save and restore just these files after Ccleaner has removed them--something that would be faster than entering my custom settings again?