CCleaner Registry Cleaner

Ran the Registry Cleaner for the 1st time yesterday - Everything seem to run ok - just curious

as to what is the file that left an ICON on my desktop - can I delete - Thanks for any help!!!


what is the file that left an ICON on my desktop - can I delete

You need to supply more info and/or a screenshot would also help so we know exactly what you mean by "left an icon on the desktop."

- - - what is the file that left an ICON on my desktop - can I delete - Thanks for any help!!!

Ginnie, place your mouse pointer on the icon. What does it read?

Ginnie, place your mouse pointer on the icon. What does it read?

It has info that I cannot open - is a .reg file

Thanks for any help

It has info that I cannot open - is a .reg file

If it's name is similar to this CC_20110219_190059.reg it is your backup from fixing some registry entries. If you delete it you will be unable to access the backup.

I have all my registry fix backups saved to a folder in Kroozer \ Documents. Apparently you saved yours to the desktop.

I suggest you drag the icon to a newly created folder and save your next backup to that folder. Thereafter CCleaner should automatically save your registry backups to that new folder, not your desktop.

Welcome to the forum. :)

If it's name is similar to this CC_20110219_190059.reg it is your backup from fixing some registry entries. If you delete it you will be unable to access the backup.

I have all my registry fix backups saved to a folder in Kroozer \ Documents. Apparently you saved yours to the desktop.

I suggest you drag the icon to a newly created folder and save your next backup to that folder. Thereafter CCleaner should automatically save your registry backups to that new folder, not your desktop.

Welcome to the forum. :)

Thanks for the reply - another question if and when I run again that backup will be replaced or do I delete!!!!

That backup will remain until you delete it. Another backup file will be created every time and will be added to your backup folder.

I usually keep my backups approx 2 months before deleting them, because if I were to have a problem I'd merge the most recent backup; if that didn't fix the problem then I'd merge the next older, etc until my problem was fixed.

Lucky me, I've never had to merge a backup. I merged some only to experience the process. :)