CCleaner-Registry cleaner

After cleaning registry my windows 7 laptop stalls before reaching the desktop screen. I am looking for the back-up .reg file to restore the program to the original state prior to cleaning. In Safe Mode I cannot find the .reg file in "My Documents" and the detailed view does not show the file endings. ( .txt, .reg etc)

Has anyone had this problem and if so how did you get around it. Any help will be much appreciated as I am now working on a 5 year old emachine (windows xp) and need my new HP laptop (wdws 7)back in service

You can access everything in Safe Mode? If so go into Safe Mode and run the registry cleaner in CCleaner but without cleaning anything. When you fix an issue select the make backup button and it will bring you to the location of other registry backups made by CCleaner. Note the location and go to it and then merge previous registry keys, reboot.

Otherwise, do a System Restore. I dpn't know what the path for it is in Windows 7 but if you look on the internet it will tell you how to access it.

Many thanks for your help. I have restored to two previous dates but that has not helped. Still freezing during startup before desktop.

I have tried cleaning the registry again as you suggested, without actually deleting anything and found where the files are saved to. Unfortunately I cannot find the original registry cleaning file so I probably cleaned and deleted a file that is still needed. I will know better next time!!!! Meanwhile I will back up again and try another restore.