CCleaner Pro won't upgrade

I have CCleaner Pro 5.07.5261 64-bit installed

Clicking the "check for upgrade" tells me that v. 5.10.5373 is available and indeed, I can download it.

But nothing happens after that - there is no automatic upgrade, just a message saying it was successfully downloaded. But where? It's nowhere obvious that I can see.

I sort of expected the upgrade to auto-work... but a tthe least, I want to be able to find the file and manually activate it.

Any suggestions?



At least on mine, it auto updated. be sure to close/fully-exit ccleaner when the update downloads. You can also manually download the portable version and overwrite the files in your ccleaner folder and it will overwrite

Same problem. I looks like it is downloading but it really isn't. There is no new file on my disk.

The issue here seems to be happening to those trying to update from a version less than 5.09 to 5.10 is this also your case?