CCleaner Pro Pop Up

Can someone help me? This morning I just started to receive this pop up on my desktop. Am I being hacked, is this malware, or some kind of virus? Not sure what I should do about this. I'm running CCleaner Pro v5.49.6856 (64-bit). Attached is a copy of the pop up. Also, my Product Status is Active, and my Extension Date is good till October 30, 2019. Any assistance will be greatly appreciated.

CCleaner pop up.jpg

I can confirm that this is NOT malware but instead was due to an error in our in app messaging system, we are aware of the issue and it should now be resolved.

So what do I do about it? Is there an update that I'm suppose to download?

No need to update, the changes have been made on our servers and you should no longer be recieving the message

Thank you!


Interesting that this seems to be testing code from 5.47, and regarding "Expired Licence" renewal pop-ups which have been an issue on the forum this week.

I'd also like to know more about the comments "..which tells CCleaner to ignore click .." and "..if link should NOT be opened by CCleaner".

There seems to be two contentious statements there.

Context is everything. It is defining if a link is opened by the default browser or by CORRECTION Internet Explorer (for compatibility reasons), hence 'CCleaner shouldn't do anything with it' if it should be left to the browser to open it. It's just for debugging so I wouldn't read too much into it.

Appreciated that this being on display was an error and so we have no way of seeing the context in which those comments were made.

Thanks for the explanation.