CCleaner Pro Plus - Health Check - Resolving Issues - Hangs - Doesn't Complete

CCleaner Pro Plus - Health Check - Resolving Issues - Hangs - Doesn't Complete

If I recall correctly, Health Check was updated in CCleaner version 6.22. Since applying that version, Health Check hangs at 'Resolving issues' and does not complete. There have been only three exceptions to this, and during each exception, the CCleaner application simply dropped and had to be reloaded. Also, attempts to Cancel the hung 'Resolving issues' routine also hang with 'Canceling...' presented (screenshots attached).

A friend has the identical model of laptop that I have - an Acer Aspire E 15. I have configured his machine identically to mine (he is not PC literate). However, his machine is running CCleaner Pro (i.e., not Plus), and his Health Check completes normally.

01 - Health Check - Resolving Issues - Hung.gif

02 - Health Check - Canceling - Hung.gif

Yes there is an issue that is affecting some users, not all, in the new Software Updater in Health Check.

It doesn't matter if it's Pro or Pro Plus, the issue is with what software it finds to update.

It appears to be hanging mainly when trying to update either MS Ofice, or the C++ redistributables, (there may be others that are also 'sticking').

We are told that they are working on a hotfix and that it should be implemented "hopefully next week".

In the meantime if your health Check is hanging then you can try going to Tools>Software Updater and updating the softwares that it finds one by one.

Other users have reported that if/when they have managed to sucessfully update the softwares using Tools>Software Updater then Health Check no longer hangs for them.

(Because it's no longer getting stuck trying to update them, they have already been updated).

Thank you.

I can confirm that this issue is now resolved in CCleaner V6.23.