CCleaner Portable Question

Hey all first post for me, so go easy on me LOL

Anyways I'm trying to clean out my HDD external hardrive of waste, so I think CCleaner Portable is the right program to use. Correct me if I'm wrong. I've tried using it on my drive but it only cleans the drive that is ACTUALLY on my computer, not the external HDD drive.

Any suggestions as to what I am doing wrong and how to clean out an external hard drive?

Thanks in advance :)

CCleaner only supports cleaning of the drive it is running on.

I think that CCleaner Portable should be an official download.


I've already copied CCleaner portable to my HDD drive so it should already be running on that drive.

Any other suggestions?

CCleaner uses its .ini file to know where to clean. Running ccleaner portable is no different then running it from your hard drive. It can only clean what its .ini tells it to. You can set up custom files though.

What is on your portable hard drive?(what are you wanting it to clean?)

Most people only keep media files and documents on a portable drive meaning ccleaner would do no good to clean it.

I have only music and videos on my hard drive.

I want to clean it out because I am pretty sure that there is some kind of clutter on there that could be cleaned out.

The free space showing on my HDD drive doesn't seem to be accurate.


Any other suggestions???

the free space that is shown could be less if you have a partition thats raw (not formatted to any format).

I have only music and videos on my hard drive.

I want to clean it out because I am pretty sure that there is some kind of clutter on there that could be cleaned out.

The free space showing on my HDD drive doesn't seem to be accurate.

Then there is nothing for ccleaner to clean. You could try defragging the drive or moving everything over to your main pc and formatting it and then move your stuff back to it.

Cleaner removes what its told to clean by its .ini files. Thats what makes it so safe. It can't remove anything valuable because it doesn't randomly scan your drive for file extensions like some programs will. It only cleans temp files. You can set up custom files if there is a certain file you want cleaned periodically but other then that theres not much else you can do.(thats of course besides adding programs in winapp2.ini)

The free space showing on my HDD drive doesn't seem to be accurate.

Since you suspect that run ChkDsk on the disk. It's up to you to determine which ChkDsk option to use for instance (assuming you're using WinXP):

To do a quick scan that fixes file errors run: chkdsk /f C:

To do a thorough scan (takes a long time) run: chkdsk /r C:

Replace C: with the driver letter you wish to scan for errors.