CCleaner Options Question?

I downloaded and ran the free version of CCleaner and have a question on cleanup

options. In most programs, when you click to open them, they will display a

list of “Recent” files opened in it. I use this feature to get back to recent

files that I have worked on. When I ran CCleaner, it removed all the recent

files name from all programs. I would like to keep CCleaner, but reset the

option to delete the recently used files in a program. What option do I change

in CCleaner to disable this one feature it has?

Thanks for any insights!


In CC, in the Windows tab, under Windows Explorer untick Recent Documents, Other Explorer MRU's. (MRU = Most Recently Used)

In the Applications tab, under Applications untick Office for example if you want your recent Word docs to be remembered.

You'd need to do what mta stated for every program you have installed that CCleaner can clean which you want to keep the MRU ("Recent Files List") intact, for example; WordPad, your installed PDF viewer, etc.

I have Office 2013 unchecked in the Applications tab. The recent list is retained in the Office apps. The recents are still removed from the POPUP on the taskbar Icon.

also untick Taskbar Jump Lists.