Hi Andavari and anyone else looking in,
Apparently i didn't give enough info with my explanation of getting
updates from http://v4.windowsupdate.microsoft.com/en/default.asp and
also theres another tab called 'Windows Catalog' along the top, that
one doesn't seem to take the user to a catalogue of updates. That one
was not the one i meant.
This site from Microsoft doesn't always come up the same. It seems
that it can come up with the catalog listed under the 'Windows Update'
panel on the left, or it can come up without it listed.

This puzzled me for a while, it seems to remember what you last looked
at. To set it to the display with the catalog listed, click on the
'Personalise Windows Update' bit under Other Options.

The display will change to offer a tick box so you can see the display
which includes the 'Windows Update Catalog' in the 'Windows Update'
panel on the left. Click on the 'Save Settings' button, and the display
will change again to give you the additional choice in the Update
panel on the left.

Now you can choose the updates you want, and download them as files
which you can keep to use when and if you want.
Briefly like this :
Windows update catalog,
Find updates for Microsoft Windows operating systems,
Scroll through to the OS you want ... 98se is about a third way down,
Highlight and click on search,
up comes 7 groups,
Select a group,
up comes a the selections for that group, and a ' Download Basket'
When choosing one read the blurb (Read More), some of them can not be
uninstalled. Also before installing, see what Google has to say, some
of Microsoft's fixes can cause other unexpected problems.

Sorry i did not give more detailed directions before.
I hope the above is good enough to guide anyone to get the patches
for themselves. The selection goes back as far as 'Millenium Edition'
but does not include any of the Win 95 a,b, or c.
People wanting stuff for 95 should probably try oldfiles.org
I think they offer updates and fixes for 95.
Hope this is of use to someone,
Cheers, John ![:)]()