ccleaner opera and win98

hello together,

maybe this issue has been discussed before;

under win98, ccleaner (newest version) doesn?t locate the opera (9.00) cache-folder. i installed the winapp2.ini in the same folder as ccleaner. i haven?t made any changes to winapp2.ini.

when i use the same ccleaner, opera and winapp2.ini-configuration (without editing) under win xp pro, ccleaner "finds" those opera-files and marks them as ready to be deleted.

is the underlaying os responsible for that issue? do i have to manually adapt winapp2.ini to make ccleaner recognize those opera-files?

thx for any anwser,


Since Opera 9 is currently a beta I wouldn't except support for it until it's a final version. A similiar issue arose not to long ago with Interent Explorer 7 Beta.

Hello Andavari,

thanks for your answer,...,

anyway, did you read my posting carefully? :)

Opera (9.0) is not the problem here (and it is not anymore a beta release),...,

Opera (9.0) and CCleaner are perfect under Win XP, but not under Win98. (Opera is ignored under Win98),...,

has this got something to do with the enviroment variables? The %Temp% variable for instance, doesn?t work under Win98.

Has anybody maybe got an idea? (I know, we won?t look at Win98 anymore in a couple of months, but it is still in use, and there are differences using the same configurations under different Operating Systems, concerning CCleaner).

thx for an answer,


I read and understood your original post.

I know CCleaner properly cleans the current version of Opera 8.54 on both my XP and 98 system. However since I haven't tried Opera 9 I don't know if it creates different folders or folder structures. The only advice I could give would be to modify the Opera (Single User) winapp2.ini entry to specifically work with your 98 system, e.g.; if variables like %ProgramFiles% don't work change it to an absolute path like: C:\Program Files.


now it works with Win98,...,

thx for your answer Andavari,



can anybody maybe explain the technic how to manually adapt the winapp2.ini for individual deletion purposes? If I use an unknown programm, that is not listed in "winapp.ini" or "winapp2.ini" and I know for instance the *.log-files that need to be cleaned out of that individual programm, how can I make CCleaner recognize the programm and delete those files that need to be cleaned?

i.e. for "Regseeker", I`d also like to delete the complete "Backup-Sub-Folder" (C:\Program Files\Regseeker\Backup). What entries must be written into winapp2.ini to do so?

thx again.

can anybody maybe explain the technic how to manually adapt the winapp2.ini for individual deletion purposes? If I use an unknown programm, that is not listed in "winapp.ini" or "winapp2.ini" and I know for instance the *.log-files that need to be cleaned out of that individual programm, how can I make CCleaner recognize the programm and delete those files that need to be cleaned?

i.e. for "Regseeker", I`d also like to delete the complete "Backup-Sub-Folder" (C:\Program Files\Regseeker\Backup). What entries must be written into winapp2.ini to do so?

Just look at already created entries in winapp.ini and winapp2.ini to get an ideal of how to make your own, it isn't difficult at all. Just make sure you double, or even triple check what you've made since a goof up could cost you a whole parent folder of files, or if you have a registry key to remove you could wipe out a whole hive.

Here's the RegSeeker winapp2.ini entry, I'm not adding it to the winapp2.ini thread hence recklessly wiping out RegSeeker backups could mean the reinstallation of Windows:

; Allows CCleaner to delete the backups, use at your own risk!

Hello Andavari,

I am glad I found someone who is still using Win98 on some of his machines, like we do here,..., (it was actually not that much of a bad System, though I think CCleaner can only take at least 50% of it?s cleaning potential on those outdated Operating-Systems, as it has to be manually adapted on the plattform it is sitting on).

Since you know what you are saying, I have only two questions (if you have the time).


With RegSeeker, I?d like to delete the complete Backup-Folder, not just those files within.


The history under Win98 is not being taken care of with CCleaner here. (in our German-Version, the path is C:\WINDOWS\Verlauf\ (where "Verlauf" means "History" in your language). How did you adapt the right entries in "winsys.ini" for having the history deleted aswell?

for a. and b., if possible, the elegant solution would be entries into "winapp2.ini" or "winsys.ini", not the "Settings" and "User-Defined"-Option in CCleaner.

I thank you already now for your time and the brain,


I wouldn't call myself a Win98 user anymore as I only use my old system about once every three to four months to transfer some of my XP systems backups to, and update the security software on it (antivirus, antispyware) just in case my XP system goes kaput. Yeah it wasn't all that bad, but it's instability was always it's downfall, I actually miss MS-DOS mode because allot of junk could be removed in DOS via a simple batch file.


I don't know if it's possible to remove the whole RegSeeker Backup folder via CCleaner, however a batch file will.


Here's how to remove the backups and the Backup folder via a batch file:

1. Open Notepad.

2. Copy the text listed in the CODE box below and paste it into the Notepad window.

3. Save it as for example including the qoutes "Remove Backups.bat" into the folder containing RegSeeker.exe. If you wish you can even create a link pointing to the batch file.

@echo offecho ** WARNING **echo This will delete all filetypes in theecho RegSeeker Backup folder.echo.pausedel /q "backup\*.*"rmdir "backup"clsexit



I didn't have to do anything to CCleaner's .ini files at all for my Win98 system. Come to think of it I have never checked to make sure it actually removed the Internet Explorer junk files (temporary internet files, cookies, history) solely because I've been using home-made batch files for years to do all that in MS-DOS mode just before I run a DOS virus scanner. If you want the batch files tell me and I can post them, however you'll more than likely have to modify them for your German version of Windows as the batch files use actual folder paths.

As for modifying the Internet Explorer cleaner portion in CCleaner that would have to come from the CCleaner developer as it's using some sort of SpecialKey that I know nothing about, it isn't just some simple typed out folder locations, etc.

Hello Andavari,

I actually miss MS-DOS mode because allot of junk could be removed in DOS via a simple batch file.


Are you talking?bout DOS-Mode or MS-DOS itself? :)

I honestly believe, that MS-DOS was somehow a neatly and logicaly programmed System in those "early" days during its introduction together with the IBM-Mashines back in`81,..., though at that particular time, it might have already been outdated,...,

I agree with you,..., the DOS-CMD can still save lives concerning major OS-reanimations,...,


you said;

I didn't have to do anything to CCleaner's .ini files at all for my Win98 system. Come to think of it I have never checked to make sure it actually removed the Internet Explorer junk files (temporary internet files, cookies, history)

,..., with what you are actually saying, Andavari, that CCleaner is in a certain way useless for Win98 users.

Shouldn?t the removal of the IE-History-Files (same concerns to AOL 9.0 files, as AOL uses the same History and Temporary Internet File-Folders as IE) be the most concern of that programm, without any extra individual user adaptation? Regarding this, CCleaner is not a "One-Click-and-Forget-Solution" anymore, especially not for unskilled users.

Andavari, if you are taking advantage of your own batch-files for cleaning out your IE-temp-files, why use CCleaner at all?

thanks for offering your individual files,..., I am definately interested, if you want to make them puplic,...,


with what you are actually saying, Andavari, that CCleaner is in a certain way useless for Win98 users.

It isn't useless, as it cleans a plethora of junk that allot people wouldn't know to clean on their own.

Regarding this, CCleaner is not a "One-Click-and-Forget-Solution" anymore, especially not for unskilled users.

Andavari, if you are taking advantage of your own batch-files for cleaning out your IE-temp-files, why use CCleaner at all?

Well on Win98 there isn't any cleaning program that really benefits me other than saving me the trouble from having to exit to MS-DOS mode. WinXP is a different story since there's no MS-DOS mode to run a batch file in to deal with IE's index.dat files and CCleaner offers a quick an easy way to remove them.

thanks for offering your individual files,..., I am definately interested, if you want to make them puplic,...,


Here it is:

Hello Andavari,

I am sorry, but I can?t agree with you concerning CCleaner and Win98,...,

What goes smoothly together with Win XP, is actually a pain in the A** with Win98 (without individual user-adaptation),...,

your batch-files are actually doing a much better job here,...,

thanks again,...,


Well I'm not an avid Win98 user anymore which means I only get to run CCleaner three to four times a year on my Win98 system, and of course I never pay any attention to what it's doing nor do I dig around to make sure it actually deleted the junk.

I'm glad the batch files are working for you, I still use them whenever I run my Win98 system because they're quick and easy to operate.


finally ....

No i stll havent got the hang of this ...

Hows this then ....

Oh i cant be doing with this trying to figure out how to post.

If it wants to add it in as an edit/extra what do i care ?

Why cant things just be normal ....

After messing about trying to get this FORUM to be sensible,

and act normal,


Ive come here to thank ANDAVARI for the batch files.

Just one small point Andavari,

you say in the included txt files that the Index.dat files

cannot be prevented from re-asserting themselves after deletion ?

I dont even know if you will see this.

I spent a long time figuring out how to do just that.

(without 3rd party software)

John :)

copy of PM sent to Andavari.


Hi Andavari,

Thank you for the 'NoJunk' bat-files.

I haven't tried them yet, but i will.

One small thing that i would like to mention,



When you restart your computer Internet Explorer and/or Explorer will automatically rebuild the index.dat files located in the Cookies, History, and Temporary Internet Files folders since they are used by the Windows operating system. There is no workaround for permanently removing them, unless of course you use a commercial software package to remove Internet Explorer from your system.


There is a very simple workaround.

But nobody ever seemed to be interested.

John :)

Big deal, so the index.dat files can be deleted with 3rd party software woohoo, and CCleaner happens to be the best software for doing it in my opinion.

If you look at the creation date of NoJunk it was back in Dec 2001, which was before CCleaner, and at that time removing the index.dat files on Win9x was a recommended procedure to do in MS-DOS mode.

I'm done talking about, there's no need to PM me about it, have a nice day!

Hi Andavari, and anyone else looking in,

Heres a neat little way to stop Win98/Winse from re-creating index.dat

After deleting it in dos,

place an empty folder in there called 'Index.dat'

At first i tried a file, but that was overwritten,

but when i used a folder, that did it.

This is of course based on the well known rule that you can only have

a name occur once in a folder.

If the user tries to use an existing name then Win complains, but if

the system tries to do so, there is no complaint or error message, it

just wont.

Yes, i realise your 'NoJunk' batches pre-date Ccleaner, although i dont

see why that should remove any interest in preventing the index.dat

files from re-creating themselves.

There are still many people using Win98se, i do myself. Although i have

recently got myself an XP system as well.

Since there is still a large Win98 contingent, then maybe they would be

interested to know that the updates and patches (to date) can be down

loaded on to CD (or other media) from:

dont 'scan for updates', just go straight to 'catalog'

In the event that someone feels it necessary to format and re-install

it is very handy to have the updates available on CD.

That is a Microsoft site, and one never knows when these handy free

downloads might be empirically removed by Microsoft, as part of their

discouraging attitude to previous windows OS's that they have orphaned

saying that they 'die'.

I don't think a circuit can die.

So i have a nice little collection of their updates and patches and

fixes for 98 up to now, but they say they will not be offering any

fixes for problems that may arise in the future. So i am sort of hoping

that there will be 'specialist' type sites that may offer workarounds

or fixes if future problems become severe.

All the best, John :)

but they say they will not be offering any

fixes for problems that may arise in the future.

Microsoft have been stating that since 2000 or 2001, and yet they still release critical updates for Windows 98, well at least for Internet Explorer they do.

I also have their updates for Windows 98 stored on a few CD-R's, and on my D:\ partition on my Win98 computer. However the easiest way to update Win98 is to get the Microsoft Update CD from their website that fixes critical updates, I think it's free - well at least it was when I ordered it a year or two ago.

I honestly see no reason for them to remove the ability to use Windows Update on Win95-WinMe systems ("the no more updates comment they've made), and frankly it would be a slap in the face to people who purchased those operating systems in the event they had to do a format and reinstall.


Your index.dat trick is rather cool!

Hi Andavari and anyone else looking in,

Apparently i didn't give enough info with my explanation of getting

updates from and

also theres another tab called 'Windows Catalog' along the top, that

one doesn't seem to take the user to a catalogue of updates. That one

was not the one i meant.

This site from Microsoft doesn't always come up the same. It seems

that it can come up with the catalog listed under the 'Windows Update'

panel on the left, or it can come up without it listed.


This puzzled me for a while, it seems to remember what you last looked

at. To set it to the display with the catalog listed, click on the

'Personalise Windows Update' bit under Other Options.


The display will change to offer a tick box so you can see the display

which includes the 'Windows Update Catalog' in the 'Windows Update'

panel on the left. Click on the 'Save Settings' button, and the display

will change again to give you the additional choice in the Update

panel on the left.


Now you can choose the updates you want, and download them as files

which you can keep to use when and if you want.

Briefly like this :

Windows update catalog,

Find updates for Microsoft Windows operating systems,

Scroll through to the OS you want ... 98se is about a third way down,

Highlight and click on search,

up comes 7 groups,

Select a group,

up comes a the selections for that group, and a ' Download Basket'

When choosing one read the blurb (Read More), some of them can not be

uninstalled. Also before installing, see what Google has to say, some

of Microsoft's fixes can cause other unexpected problems.


Sorry i did not give more detailed directions before.

I hope the above is good enough to guide anyone to get the patches

for themselves. The selection goes back as far as 'Millenium Edition'

but does not include any of the Win 95 a,b, or c.

People wanting stuff for 95 should probably try

I think they offer updates and fixes for 95.

Hope this is of use to someone,

Cheers, John :)