I am trying to update my CCleaner on my ancient laptop. It has been working okay until now. Now when I try to update it it gets as far as 85-95% loading and then stops and Windows reports that the installer has stopped working.
I removed CCleaner altogether and downloaded a fresh copy but have the same problem. I have tried running it as Administrator and in Safe Mode all to no avail.
I don't have a resident malware program in use, but tend to run Malawarebytes every couple of months (always clean). However what I do have is two anti-virus programs. AVG and Avast. I remember installing AVG, but don't recall putting on Avast. Could this be the problem, and if so should I remove one of the AV programs?
Yes you should never have two antivirus (except malwarebytes in non-live scan mode). Maybe one (avg) is stopping ccleaner from running. You probably installed avast along with ccleaner. There's a checkbox that you have to uncheck in the first page of the ccleaner installer (don't feel alone there are others here who missed the checkbox too).
EDIT: just reread your original post and noticed you tried in safe mode and it still did it. This less looks like antivirus.
Is it the installer or ccleaner that gets to 95 percent.
After rebooting, I tried the installer again. I saw no sign of a tick box. It is the installer that seems stop c.95%. I then get a message from Windows saying they are looking for a solution. It then asks me to close the dialogue box, saying it will inform me if it has found a solution. It never does!
I installed the slimbuild version (what is missing from the main version?). I ran the Analyze, which worked alright, and then ran the Run Cleaner and each time it crashed. I tried a couple of times, re-booted the laptop but it still crashed (I sent in a report).
Can anyone give me any further help? When I started up the machine today, it told me that CCleaner had crashed! I don't want this to happen everytime I start up, so I have uninstalled it.
Which version of ccleaner did you install (5.45 or 5.44)?
45 had an issue where it started automatically with windows. .44 is back up as the latest version.
If you were trying the .45, will you be willing to retry with slim that's up now (.44)? By the way nothing in ccleaner is different betwen slim and regular. Slim just doesn't include bundled software (avast, google toolbar, chrome) in it's installer.
Okay, I reinstalled it today (having removed previous downloads). Same problem. It analyzes okay, but when I try to run the program it crashes. Presumably it is pointless filling in the crash report form again.
It is version 5.44 - slim build that I downloaded.
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bondage hey!, chains and whips - chips and dips, I like where your head's at! <img alt=":lol:" data-emoticon="" src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/default_laugh.png" title=":lol:"></p>
Having been untied (!!)I have just got round to reading your notes, mta. I went to filehippo to download v.5.40, clicked on it, but nothing has downloaded, but nothing is actually downloading ? I get the message about watching the video while downloading and then 'Thank you for Downloading', but nothing seems to have come through? Tried the latest version and the same? Shall I just give up and go home?!
BTW Avast tells me there are things that need fixing, e.g. Broken registry items, PC health problems. Can you or someone else tell me if it is trustworthy that it won't do something else to my system that will cost a fortune to fix?! Or would running this may resolve my other problems?
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
...I went to filehippo to download v.5.40, clicked on it, but nothing has downloaded, but nothing is actually downloading ? I get the message about watching the video while downloading and then 'Thank you for Downloading', but nothing seems to have come through?...
Hi BigMart:
I have a 32-bit Vista SP2 OS and my default web browser is Firefox ESR v52.9.0 (the only fully supported major browser for Win XP and Vista). If you have a slow internet connection you might find that downloads from FileHippo.com eventually time out because the sponsored video takes too much time to load on the download page. Pause the video as soon as it starts playing and the pop-up to save the CCleaner installer might appear.
Please note that Microsoft ended extended support for for Vista SP2 and IE9 back in <strong>April 2017</strong>. Open your IE9 browser, go to Help | About Internet Explorer and let us know if you have Update Versions <strong>9.0.60 / KB4014661</strong> (<em>Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer 9: April 11, 2017</em>) as shown below. There is a known issue with Windows Update on Vista SP2 computers where the Windows Update Agent can saturate an entire CPU core for hours or even days (see the pinned FAQ <a href="https://www.vistax64.com/threads/how-to-fix-vista-sp2-checking-for-updates-hangs-and-slow-windows-updates.305124/" rel="external nofollow"><strong><em>How to Fix Vista SP2 "Checking for Updates..." Hangs and Slow Windows Updates</em></strong> </a>in the VistaForums) and can seriously degrade the performance of Vista SP2 computers. The KB number in the Update Version of your IE9 browser should give us a good indication of the last time that Windows Update ran to completion on your computer.