I downloaded the newest version of ccleaner and installed it. I had an older version before but I had to redo my drives so I lost it. Now when I start my computer ccleaner is ALWAYS in the system tray even though in options I've turned off monitoring and in task manager I disable it in startup. It doesn't matter because every time I start my computer monitoring in options it turned back on and it has been enabled again in task manager startup...how can it do this? Also with this newer version I cannot simply right click and close ccleaner like I used to be able too...only way is to go into task manager and end task to force it closed. I have now uninstalled ccleaner but that's not fair...is there any way to fix this issue?
It seems there are issues with the latest builds and monitoring.
Devs are aware and we are waiting for a comment from them.
Also see here
Thank you, I'm going to keep it uninstalled for now. Don't know what else to do...It's annoying to me lolol
Quick add: Is there anyway to download an older version? I couldn't find a place on the website but if I could download an older build and maybe not update it...I'd be happy with that.
Here you go
Right there with you OP. Yesterday I disabled CCleaner on startup and somehow it's enabled when I booted up my PC this morning. This update was really botched.
19 minutes ago, hazelnut said:<div class="ipsQuote_contents"> <p> Here you go </p> <p> <a href="https://filehippo.com/download_ccleaner/history/" rel="external nofollow">https://filehippo.com/download_ccleaner/history/</a> </p> </div>
Which one here should I use?
It's up to you really
I have 5.40 on one of my machines which works ok.
That works, thank you.
4 hours ago, Arily said:<div class="ipsQuote_contents"> <p> </p> <p> Which one here should I use? </p> </div>
as Hazelnut has done, I have also stayed on v5.40, all the others since then have either been flawed or have 'undesirable features' that I don't want.
I think v5.41 was also OK but from memory that was the first release with the sudden large program size increase that didn't have an new offerings, so work that one out.
just be aware, from a crap cleaning point of view, the older versions will do the job fine but for moving goal posts like browsers, Windows caches and the like, as they evolve, your old CC version won't know about those changes and may not clean those areas properly or at all. but for me, I use my browser in private mode so no data is kept on the pc anyway that needs cleaning.
Might I call the Developer's attention to my posting in the linked thread here:
Particularly the part from "EDIT" onwards.
Hey Everyone,
Thanks for your feedback, please see the following thread for the latest information on this topic