CCleaner not working on Mac OS X 10.9


I Installed CCleaner from Apple App Store on my Mac-book Pro running on Mac OS X 10.9. It got Installed but at the time of launching application it shows unsupported os.

Hi kyendhe, and welcome to the forum.

According to the download page, it "Requires an Apple Mac running OS X 10.5 to 10.8 Mountain Lion", so you may have to wait for a later release.

The devs will be working on that now, so hopefully that shouldn't be too long.

Mac OS X 10.9 is still in beta, it's not oficially released.

There's your problem ;)

OS X 10.9 is now officially available to the public.

Unfortunately CCleaner won't start in Mavericks.

Wow, so you gave the developers less than 24 hours to get one out.

Mavericks has been available to developers since June. That's more than 24 hours.

What's more, I did not criticize anyone for anything. I was simply telling a fact. I just hope that CCleaner will be updated soon.

I had used CCleaner for many years while I had a PC. I switched to a Mac a few years back and was quite happy when Piriform brought CC out for the Mac OS. I do hope they update CC to work on 10.9. Since Mavericks is free to upgrade, there will be a lot of Mac users waiting patiently(?) for the CC update. Does anyone have an idea when that will happen?

I have it on good authority that an update for it is in the making :)

Any update on this? CCleaner has been crucial to help me clean up my desktop before block exams! thanks in advance


The official version of Maverick was released the day October 22 and we are many that have the 10.9 version of the new system but you have not published the relevant upgrade, because there is no consistent

Why are people taking up for the developers after months have gone by anf they are still unpreparted? If you did, you should be ashamed. They all need to accept responsibilty. It is not enough to say a new version for MAC user is on the way. It should be here already.

I, for one am angry.

Don'twant to grow your brand? Then, ignore you customers and hire pawns to berate them

I, for one am angry.

Anger is justified if you pay for something that does not work and you are given no refund.

How much did you pay ?

Anger is justified if installing a product degrades the performance and wastes free space.

CCleaner has done you no harm - you only wasted a little time installing and then removing a product.

Incidentally, according to Edu28 and Nergal and Whatyouwant,

Maverick and OS X 10.9 were officially released 22nd October.

That is much more recent than months ago.

It would be irresponsible for CCleaner to be designed for and debugged on a Beta product,

and then be released within one day of the final changes to and final release of the Apple products.

That is a sure way to damage an operating system.

It might be feasible to issue CCleaner within one day of the final release of OS X, and use Apple owners as Beta Testers.

To identify all the changes to OS X and to adapt the ccleaner code and then exhaustively test and correct might take more than 4 days.

Alan_B I completely disagree. Based on your line of thinking... Mavericks OS would be completely useless for the first few days or weeks whilst developers started to develop the updated app.

Mavericks has been out for several months albeit in Beta. and no doubt have been able to download the development kits that will allow them to develop the update in time for Mavericks release. How is it that Parallels software managed to release their update before mavericks even came out?

I'm an avid fan of CC but free or not I would have expected them to release it on time.. its a matter of customer satisfaction, satisfied customers create recommendations which create sales. A developer doesn't look organised if they can't provide an update on schedule and thats a bad image to portray to people who will potentially buy your paid apps.

Aisde from that... I'm looking forward to the next release and will try to hold off from buying/downloading a competing app until its ready.

raucous- I completely agree. If developers did not work in Beta there would never be any aps for new software at launch. I am a CC fan and impatient for the new release!!

The fix to CCLEANER for OS X 10.9 should be rather easy for the Piriform.

Only needed change is the max version limit test of OS X from 10.8 to 10.9 in the program. Should be a simple change.

The current CCLEANER logic/executable will work with 10.9 OS X. Check for yourself -- simply change OS version file on your Mac to test.

The text file to change is "SystemVersion.plist" in the System\Library\CoreServices folder. Change the "10.9" string to "10.8.5". Save the file and CCLEANER will now run.

***The issue is that you have to change it back to 10.9 for other programs in OS 10.9 to function.***

Piriform just needs to change the version check from 10.8 to 10.9 in there app and the ccleaner program will work. They can always tweak the progeam later for 10.9 enhancements.

Piriform just needs to change the version check from 10.8 to 10.9 in there app and the ccleaner program will work.

You may well be perfectly correct about how to fix the problem. BUT

Has anyone performed hash-checksum comparisons between the Beta and the Final Production binaries of the OS 10.9.

If the binary code has changed then the actions will change, and without access to the source code it would be difficult to predict which actions will change.

About 30 years ago I came across an incident where the Version String was not only used to show the version and date of creation,

but had also been depended upon as a data string that governed the actions of a subroutine, and when another developer updated the software it crashed.

After reversion tests he found that the version string was critical BUT the original coder had not documented that a function depended upon its data value.

Yes, that was extremely bad software development and we all know better now - or do we, or Microsoft, or Apple :angry:

I would guess that Piriform has a battery of tests that they perform to reduce the chance of issuing software that can damage the user's software installation or documents.

Most of my career before retirement was spent in the security industry developing hardware and software for detection of intruder and fire hazards,

and rapid communication to either on-site or remote security guards of any intruders or fires etc.

Any spurious alarm could initiate the despatch of Armed Guards at a military installation,

or Fire Engines to an airport from 3 surrounding counties ( been there, seen that - but not guilty :) ).

Exhaustive testing and documentation was performed before product could be supplied.

It has been a severe culture shock to now spend my time with consumer operating systems and applications that use the general public as Beta Testers.

Piriform has a reputation as being the safest cleaner for Windows.

I hope they will continue to be careful not to use the general public as Beta Testers.

For those interested in accelerating development and perhaps even getting access to a Beta product, these links may be useful




It has been released:

Thank you for the information. Thanks to the developers of Piriform.

I noticed that the App Store version of CCleaner says for OS 10.5 and newer, yet it is NOT the version found at the link above (that version fails to run under 10.9). Any idea when that will be updated? And thank you very much for that link. While I prefer to get things installed through the app store for the ease of updating, it is wonderful to have the newer version that runs on 10.9 available again. :) Honestly, I don't know how I lived without CCleaner now that I've gotten used to using it. ;)

When I apple passes it though approval I assume