Edition Windows 11 Pro Insider Preview
Version 24H2
Installiert am 09.05.2024
Betriebssystembuild 26212.5000
Leistung Windows Feature Experience Pack 1000.26212.5000.0
no .exe file in the CCleaner Folder is starting. I can click what ever file i want. no *.exe *64.exe *bugReport.exe *update.exe and everything else is clickable but not starting
Autostart not working either...
Any ideas?
Try uninstalling CCleaner (if the uninstaller will work) and restart the machine, then download to your machine the Slim Build from the list here and give it a try.
What is your security software?
Bare in mind that Win 11 Pro insider may have problems as it is really a test build.
Just to add to the above;
when reinstalling CCleaner be sure to use the 'Run CCleaner' from within the installer itself.
We have seen in the past where there can sometimes be a Windows permissions glitch if you skip that step when installing.
Note that there are online reports of other instances of various apps not running when clicked in 24H2.
As said 24H2 is still a test build - so issues are probably to be expected.